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Chemical composition and stratification of chemical elements in the atmosphere of the Ap star HD 8441

机译:Ap star HD 8441大气中的化学组成和化学元素分层

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We present the results of our abundance analysis for the atmosphere of the chemically peculiar Ap star HD 8441. HD 8441 is interesting in that the lines of rare-earth elements in its spectrum are weak and the longitudinal magnetic field component is small, being only several hundred gauss. Our estimates of the evolutionary status for HD 8441 have confirmed that it belongs to the group of Ap stars with weak lines of rare-earth elements in their spectra that leave the main sequence. A stratification analysis of the atmosphere of HD 8441 assuming a stepwise distribution of elements with depth reveals a nonuniform distribution of Si, Ca, Cr,Mn, and Fe with a significant increase in elemental abundances in deeper layers. The derived distribution qualitatively agrees with predictions of the theory of diffusive separation of elements under the action of radiation pressure forces and gravity. Comparison of the chemical composition and evolutionary status of HD 8441 with those of the stars HD 66318 and HD 144897 with strong magnetic fields shows that their atmospheres differ mainly by the abundances of rare-earth elements. The iron-peak elements exhibit large overabundances irrespective of the magnetic field strength.
机译:我们提供了对化学特有的Ap恒星HD 8441大气的丰度分析结果。HD8441的有趣之处在于,其光谱中的稀土元素线很弱,纵向磁场分量很小,只有几个百高斯。我们对HD 8441进化状态的估计已经确认,它属于Ap光谱中属于Ap恒星的一类,在其光谱中稀土元素的弱线离开了主要序列。对HD 8441大气进行分层分析(假设元素随深度呈阶梯状分布)显示出Si,Ca,Cr,Mn和Fe的不均匀分布,并且在较深层中元素丰度显着增加。得出的分布在质量上与在辐射压力和重力作用下元素扩散分离理论的预测相符。 HD 8441与具有强磁场的HD 66318和HD 144897恒星的化学成分和演化状态的比较表明,其大气主要是由于稀土元素的丰度不同。不论磁场强度如何,铁峰元素都显示出大量的丰度。



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