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Prevalence of ΔF508 cystic fibrosis carriers in The Netherlands: logistic regression on sex, age, region of residence and number of offspring

机译:荷兰 ΔF508 囊性纤维化携带者的患病率:性别、年龄、居住地区和后代数量的逻辑回归



An average cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier frequency of 1 in 25 in Europe is cited in numerous reports, although a great variability in estimated prevalences has been found in different European populations. The estimates of these frequencies were based on numbers of CF patients before identification of the gene in 1989. Here we report the results of a study to determine the carrier frequency of the ΔF508 mutation in The Netherlands by analyzing mouthwashes and matched blood samples from 11 654 blood donors all over the country. We analyzed possible relationships between a number of theoretically explanatory variables and the ΔF508 carrier frequency by means of univariate and multivariate logistic regression. These variables were: distance of the blood banks from the northeastern part of the country (distance); whether the blood donors knew that we were looking for a CF mutation; sex and age of the donor; and number of children of the donor (family size). We detected a ΔF508 carrier frequency of 1 in 42 (95 CI 1/37–1/47) in The Netherlands. If we assume that the relative frequency of the ΔF508 mutation among carriers and patients is comparable in The Netherlands, this gives an estimated overall CF carrier frequency of 1 in 32 (95 CI 1/28–1/36), significantly less than 1 in 25. The univariate logistic regression analysis of the effects of the explanatory variables on the carrier frequency revealed no significant relationships, except for an increase in carrier frequency with increasing distance from the northeastern region. In the multivariate analysis with all five independent variables, distance, age and family size were significantly related to the carrier frequency, but sex and CF information were not. There was a significant interaction between age and family size. In our final model, distance, age and family size were positively related to the carrier frequency, while the interaction of age with family size showed a negative relation. These results confirm that there is a gradient in gene frequency with low frequencies in the northeastern part of the country and high frequencies in the southern part. They also suggest a relation of age and family size with carrier frequency. This relation, however, is too complex to be explained by heterozygote
机译:许多报告引用了欧洲平均囊性纤维化 (CF) 携带者频率为 1/25,尽管在不同的欧洲人群中发现估计患病率存在很大差异。这些频率的估计是基于 1989 年鉴定该基因之前的 CF 患者数量。在这里,我们报告了一项研究的结果,该研究通过分析来自全国11 654名献血者的漱口水和匹配的血液样本,确定荷兰ΔF508突变的携带者频率。我们通过单变量和多变量逻辑回归分析了许多理论解释变量与ΔF508载波频率之间的可能关系。这些变量是:血库与该国东北部的距离(距离);献血者是否知道我们正在寻找CF突变;捐赠者的性别和年龄;以及捐赠者的子女数量(家庭规模)。我们在荷兰检测到ΔF508载波频率为1/42(95%CI 1/37–1/47)。如果我们假设荷兰携带者和患者之间 ΔF508 突变的相对频率相当,则估计总体 CF 携带者频率为 1/32(95% CI 1/28–1/36),显著低于 1/25。解释变量对载波频率影响的单因素logistic回归分析显示,除了载波频率随距东北区距离的增加而增加外,没有显著关系。在具有所有五个自变量的多变量分析中,距离、年龄和家庭规模与携带者频率显著相关,但性别和CF信息与携带者频率无关。年龄和家庭规模之间存在显著的交互作用。在我们的最终模型中,距离、年龄和家庭规模与载波频率呈正相关,而年龄与家庭规模的交互作用呈负相关。这些结果证实,该国东北部的基因频率存在梯度,而南部的频率较高。它们还表明年龄和家庭规模与携带者频率的关系。然而,这种关系太复杂了,无法用杂合子来解释




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