首页> 外文期刊>Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences >Effect of Dietary Energy Levels of Gestating Sows on Physiological Parameters and Reproductive Performance

Effect of Dietary Energy Levels of Gestating Sows on Physiological Parameters and Reproductive Performance


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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary energy levels of gestating gilts on physiological parameters and reproductive performance for primiparous sows. A total of 40 F1 gilts (Large WhitexLandrace) were allocated to 4 treatments using a completely randomized design (CRD). Four different experimental diets contained 3,165, 3,265 3,365 and 3,465 kcal of ME/kg and each diet was provided to gilts at 2.0 kg/d during gestation. Consequently, energy intake of each treatment of gestating gilts was 6,330, 6,530, 6,730 and 6,930 kcal ME/kg, respectively. During the whole gestation period, body weight, fat mass gain and backfat thickness of gilts were increased in proportion to dietary energy levels (p<0.01). However, estimated protein mass gain of gilts was not affected by dietary energy level (p>0.10). At farrowing, the total number of pigs born per litter did not show any significant difference among treatments. However, the number of pigs born alive per litter in treatment 6,730 kcal ME/d was significantly higher than that of other treatments (p<0.05). Moreover, litter weight at birth was improved as dietary energy level was increased (p<0.05). Feed intake of sows during lactation tended to decrease as dietary energy level of gestation was increased, but litter weight gain was not affected by dietary treatment during the gestation period. Fat content in colostrum was higher as dietary energy level was increased during gestation. The concentration of blood estradiol-17 beta was increased and was higher at the first trimester of gestation in 6,730 kcal ME/d treatment compared to other treatments. These results suggested that increased dietary energy level during gestation resulted in higher body weight and backfat thickness of sows. In addition, reproductive performance of the sow, such as litter weight at farrowing and the number of pigs born alive, was improved when 6,730 kcal of ME/d treatment diet was provided. Consequently, the NRC (1998) recommendation of energy for gestating gilts (6,015 to 6,150 kcal of ME/d) should be reevaluated to maximize reproductive performance because recent high-producing sows require much more energy to produce a large litter size and heavier piglets from the first parity.
机译:进行该实验以研究妊娠期母猪的饮食能量水平对初产母猪的生理参数和生殖性能的影响。使用完全随机设计(CRD)将40头F1母猪(大白x色雷斯)分配给4种处理。四种不同的实验日粮分别包含3,165、3,265、3,365和3,465 kcal的ME / kg,在妊娠期间,每种日粮以2.0 kg / d的速度供给母猪。因此,每种处理后备母猪的能量摄入分别为6,330、6,530、6,730和6,930 kcal ME / kg。在整个妊娠期间,小母猪的体重,脂肪增加和后脂肪厚度与日粮能量水平成正比(p <0.01)。然而,估计的后备母猪的蛋白质质量增加不受日粮能量水平的影响(p> 0.10)。分娩时,每窝产仔猪的总数在各处理之间没有显着差异。然而,在6,730 kcal ME / d的处理下,每窝活产猪的数量显着高于其他处理(p <0.05)。此外,随着饮食能量水平的提高,出生时的体重也有所改善(p <0.05)。泌乳期间母猪的采食量会随着妊娠能量水平的增加而降低,但是在妊娠期,饮食处理不会影响仔猪体重的增加。随着妊娠期饮食能量水平的增加,初乳中的脂肪含量更高。与其他治疗相比,在6,730 kcal ME / d治疗中,妊娠早期三个月的血液中雌二醇17β的浓度增加并且更高。这些结果表明,妊娠期饮食能量水平的提高导致母猪体重增加和背脂厚度增加。另外,当提供6,730 kcal的ME / d处理日粮时,母猪的生殖性能,例如产仔时的产仔重和活产猪的数量,得到了改善。因此,应重新评估NRC(1998年)建议的妊娠小母猪的能量(ME / d为6,015至6,150 kcal),以最大程度地提高繁殖性能,因为最近的高产母猪需要更多的能量才能产生较大的仔猪和较重的仔猪。第一平价。



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