首页> 外文期刊>Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society >Contributions to the diversity in cryptogamic covers in the mid-Palaeozoic: Nematothallus revisited

Contributions to the diversity in cryptogamic covers in the mid-Palaeozoic: Nematothallus revisited


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Compression fossils from the Silurian and Devonian of southern Britain, composed of cuticles and tubes, were described by W. H. Lang as the genus Nematothallus and placed, with Prototaxites, in Nematophytales, related neither to algae nor tracheophytes. Dispersed cuticles of Nematothallus and perforated forms assigned to Cosmochlaina were frequently recovered in macerates, their affinities being unresolved. New collections from a Lochkovian locality in the Welsh Borderland permitted the reconstruction of the stratified thalli of these nematophytes; they comprise a superficial cortex (which produced the cuticles) overlying a palisade zone composed of septate, parallel tubes, presumed to be hyphae, and a basal zone comprising wefts of randomly interwoven hyphae. Excellent three dimensional preservation allows the erection of a new species of Nematothallus, N.williamii. A similar anatomy is seen in a new group of fossils with either circular incisions in the cortex or complete separation of thickened cortical cells, presumably comprising a developmental sequence. By their stratified organization the nematophytes differ from extant and extinct algae and bryophytes and the enigmatic Spongiophyton. A complex anatomy and septate tubes suggest affinity with lichenized fungi. Limited data support a fungal rather than embryophyte chemistry, but a photobiont is missing. Nematophytes, globally widespread in cryptogamic covers from mid-Ordovician times, added to the biodiversity in early terrestrial ecosystems and enhanced chemical weathering
机译:W. H. Lang将来自英国南部志留系和泥盆纪的压缩化石(由角质层和管组成)描述为Nematothallus属,并将其与原生物一起置于线虫藻中,与藻类和气管植物均无关。线虫的分散角质层和分配给Cosmochlaina的穿孔形式经常在浸渍物中被回收,其亲和力尚未得到解决。来自威尔士边疆地区Lochkovian地区的新收藏品使这些线虫植物的分层塔利得以重建。它们包括一个表面皮层(产生角质层),覆盖在由分隔的,假定为菌丝的平行管组成的栅栏区和由随机交织的菌丝的纬线组成的基底区上。出色的三维保存功能可以勃起新的线虫N.williamii。在一组新的化石中可以看到类似的解剖结构,这些化石要么在皮质中有圆形切口,要么可以完全分离出增厚的皮质细胞(可能包括发育序列)。通过其分层组织,线虫不同于现存和灭绝的藻类和苔藓植物以及神秘的滑生植物。复杂的解剖结构和分隔管提示与苔藓真菌的亲和力。有限的数据支持真菌化学而非胚胎植物化学,但​​缺少光生物体。线虫类植物从奥陶纪中期开始在全球范围内的隐蔽植被中广泛传播,它增加了早期陆地生态系统中的生物多样性,并增强了化学风化作用



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