首页> 外文期刊>Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society >A new species of Arctotis (Compositae, Arctotideae) from kommetjie grassland in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

A new species of Arctotis (Compositae, Arctotideae) from kommetjie grassland in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


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Arctotis debensis R.J.McKenzie, a new species from the Albany Centre of Floristic Endemism, South Africa, is described and illustrated. It grows almost exclusively in grassland on kommetjies, a distinctive landform of depressions and mounds associated with giant earthworms, in a restricted area west of King William's Town, Eastern Cape Province. It is the first plant taxon reported to be endemic or near-endemic to this unusual habitat. The new species appears to have been collected rarely and previous collections examined have remained undetermined to species level. The new species is distinguished from closely allied species by the combination of its usually larger dimensions in all parts, prostrate habit, coriaceous leaves that are green, scabrous, and eglandular on the adaxial surface and densely lanate on the abaxial surface, and involucral-bract morphology..
机译:描述并说明了来自南非奥尔巴尼植物特有种中心的新物种Arctotis debensis R.J. McKenzie。它几乎只生长在kommetjies上的草原上,kommetjies是一种与巨earth相关的凹陷和丘陵的独特地形,位于东开普省威廉国王镇以西的禁区。据报道,这是该不寻常栖息地的地方性或近地方性的第一个植物分类群。似乎很少收集到新物种,检查过的先前物种尚未确定到物种水平。新物种与近亲物种的区别在于,它们的各个部分通常具有较大的尺寸,pro习性,近轴表面呈绿色,多齿和前腺状,近轴表面紧密致密的cor状叶片和in片形态学..



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