
An Analysis of Adult Patient Risk Factors and Complications Within 30 Days After Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery


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Purpose: To identify risk factors of adult patients predisposing them to the most common complications that occur within 30 days after arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Methods: The National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database was queried for arthroscopic shoulder procedures. Complications and their frequency were calculated. Multivariate analysis was used to identify risk factors of adult patients predisposing them to complications. Risk factors for reoperation and characteristics of patients undergoing repair procedures were also analyzed. Results: Among 10,255 cases of shoulder arthroscopy, 119 complications were reported in 103 cases within 30 days of surgery. The rates of any, major, and minor complications were 1%, 0.57%, and 0.53%, respectively. Return to the operating room (29% of all complications) was the most frequent complication. With risk adjustment, the odds of complications developing were higher for patients older than 60 years (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 3.47; P = .03), patients with a surgical time greater than 1.5 hours (AOR, 1.93; P = .01), patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; AOR, 2.76; P = .03), patients with an inpatient status (AOR, 2.72; P < .01), patients with disseminated cancer (AOR, 21.9; P < .01), and current smokers (AOR, 1.94; P = .01). The presence of COPD (AOR, 4.67; P = .04) was a significant predictor for reoperation within 30 days. Repair procedures did not increase the risk of complications compared with non-repair. Male patients, patients aged younger than 30 years, nondiabetic patients, and nonsmokers were more likely to undergo repair procedures (P < .05 for all). Conclusions: Shoulder arthroscopy has a 1.0% thirty-day complication rate, with the most common complication being return to the operating room (29% of all complications). Age older than 60 years, surgical time greater than 90 minutes, COPD, inpatient status, disseminated cancer, and current smoking all increased a patient's risk of complications. Patients undergoing repair procedures were not at increased risk. Pulmonary comorbidity increases the risk of reoperation within 30 days. Patients undergoing repair procedures tend to be younger and carry fewer risk factors for complications.
机译:目的:确定成年患者易患关节镜肩部手术后30天内最常见并发症的危险因素。方法:查询国家外科手术质量改进计划数据库中的关节镜肩关节手术。计算并发症及其发生率。多变量分析用于确定成年患者易患并发症的危险因素。还分析了再次手术的风险因素和接受修复程序的患者的特征。结果:在10255例肩关节镜检查中,在30天内报告了119例并发症。任何,主要和次要并发症的发生率分别为1%,0.57%和0.53%。返回手术室(占所有并发症的29%)是最常见的并发症。通过风险调整,年龄大于60岁的患者发生并发症的几率更高(调整后的优势比[AOR],3.47; P = .03),手术时间大于1.5小时的患者(AOR,1.93; P =)。 01),慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD; AOR,2.76; P = .03),住院状态(AOR,2.72; P <.01),患有弥漫性癌症的患者(AOR,21.9; P <。 01),以及目前的吸烟者(AOR,1.94; P = 0.01)。 COPD(AOR,4.67; P = .04)的存在是30天内再次手术的重要预测指标。与非维修相比,维修程序并未增加并发症的风险。男性患者,年龄小于30岁的患者,非糖尿病患者和不吸烟者更可能接受修复手术(所有P均<0.05)。结论:肩关节镜检查的30天并发症发生率为1.0%,最常见的并发症是返回手术室(占所有并发症的29%)。年龄超过60岁,手术时间超过90分钟,COPD,住院状态,弥漫性癌症和当前吸烟均增加了患者发生并发症的风险。接受修复程序的患者没有增加的风险。肺部合并症会在30天内增加再次手术的风险。接受修复程序的患者往往更年轻,并且并发症风险更低。


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