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Prophylaxis for latent tuberculosis infection prior to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy in low-risk elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A decision analysis


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Objective To determine if low-risk elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who screen positive for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection prior to anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy should be given isoniazid (INH). Methods A Markov model was developed. The base case was a patient age 65 years with RA starting anti-TNF therapy with a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) finding of 5-9 mm, who was born in a country with low TB prevalence and had no other TB risk factors. The decision was 9 months of INH or not. The primary outcome was quality-adjusted life expectancy. Multiple sensitivity analyses were performed. Results No prophylaxis was favored, with a gain of 1.1 quality-adjusted life days, but the decision was sensitive to several variables. Prophylaxis was favored for patients ages <61 years, if the relative risk (RR) of TB reactivation with RA alone was >2.5, if the RR with anti-TNF therapy was >5.8, or if the utility associated with INH therapy was >0.98. Prophylaxis was also preferred for patients with a TST result >10 mm and for patients from higher risk countries. If 6 months of INH or 4 months of rifampin were used, prophylaxis was preferred, providing that therapy reduced the risk of TB reactivation by >47% and >27%, respectively. Conclusion Withholding prophylaxis prior to anti-TNF therapy may be reasonable for low-risk elderly RA patients with a TST finding of 5-9 mm, although the decision is sensitive to patient preferences. For patients age <61 years from a higher risk country, or with a TST finding >10 mm, prophylaxis is preferred.
机译:目的确定在接受抗肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)治疗之前筛查潜伏性结核(TB)阳性的低危老年风湿性关节炎(RA)患者是否应给予异烟肼(INH)。方法建立马尔可夫模型。基本病例为65岁的RA患者开始抗TNF治疗,结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)阳性为5-9毫米,出生于结核病患病率低的国家,没有其他结核病危险因素。决定是否进行INH 9个月。主要结果是质量调整后的预期寿命。进行了多重敏感性分析。结果没有采取预防措施,增加了1.1个质量调整生命周期,但该决定对多个变量敏感。如果年龄小于61岁的患者单独进行结核病再激活的相对风险(RR)大于2.5,如果抗TNF治疗的RR大于5.8,或者与INH治疗相关的效用大于0.98,则应采取预防措施。 TST结果> 10 mm的患者和高危国家的患者也应首选预防措施。如果使用6个月的INH或4个月的利福平,则最好进行预防,前提是该疗法可使TB再次激活的风险分别降低> 47%和> 27%。结论对于低危的RA患者,TST值为5-9 mm,抗TNF治疗前应予预防可能是合理的,尽管该决定对患者的选择敏感。对于来自较高风险国家的年龄小于61岁的患者,或TST发现大于10毫米的患者,首选预防措施。



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