首页> 外文期刊>Archives of virology >Strains of Peru tomato virus infecting cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum), tomato and pepper in Peru with reference to genome evolution in genus Potyvirus.

Strains of Peru tomato virus infecting cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum), tomato and pepper in Peru with reference to genome evolution in genus Potyvirus.

机译:秘鲁番茄病毒株感染马铃薯中的可可粉(Solanum sessiliflorum),番茄和辣椒,与波多病毒属中的基因组进化有关。

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Two isolates (SL1 and SL6) of Peru tomato virus (PTV, genus Potyvirus) were obtained from cocona plants (Solanum sessiliflorum) growing in Tingo Maria, the jungle of the Amazon basin in Peru. One PTV isolate (TM) was isolated from a tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum) growing in Huaral at the Peruvian coast. The three PTV isolates were readily transmissible by Myzus persicae. Isolate SL1, but not SL6, caused chlorotic lesions in inoculated leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor and C. quinoa. Isolate TM differed from SL1 and SL6 in causing more severe mosaic symptoms in tomato, and vein necrosis in the leaves of cocona. Pepper cv. Avelar (Capsicum annuum) showed resistance to the PTV isolates SL1 and SL6 but not TM. The 5'- and 3'-proximal sequences of the three PTV isolates were cloned, sequenced and compared to the corresponding sequences of four PTV isolates from pepper, the only host from which PTV isolates have been previously characterised at the molecular level. Phylogenetic analyses on the P1 protein and coat protein amino acid sequences indicated, in accordance with the phenotypic data from indicator hosts, that the PTV isolates from cocona represented a distinguishable strain. In contrast, the PTV isolates from tomato and pepper were not grouped according to the host. Inclusion of the sequence data from the three PTV isolates of this study in a phylogenetic analysis with other PTV isolates and other potyviruses strengthen the membership of PTV in the so-called "PVY subgroup" of Potyvirus. This subgroup of closely related potyvirus species was also distinguishable from other potyviruses by their more uniform sizes of the protein-encoding regions within the polyprotein.
机译:秘鲁番茄病毒(PTV,马铃薯病毒属)的两个分离株(SL1和SL6)是从生长在秘鲁亚马逊河流域丛林中的Tingo Maria的可可树植物(Solanum sessiliflorum)获得的。从在秘鲁海岸的华拉尔生长的番茄植株(Lycopersicon esculentum)中分离出一种PTV分离株(TM)。 Myzus persicae可轻易传播三种PTV分离株。分离SL1而不是SL6会在mar色藜和藜C. quinoa的接种叶片中引起黄萎病。 Isolate TM与SL1和SL6的不同之处在于,它引起了番茄中更严重的镶嵌症状,以及可可叶中的静脉坏死。胡椒简历Avelar(Capsicum annuum)对PTV分离株SL1和SL6表现出抗性,而对TM则没有。克隆,测序了三个PTV分离株的5'-和3'-近端序列,并将其与来自胡椒的四个PTV分离株的相应序列进行了比较,辣椒是先前在分子水平上鉴定过PTV分离株的唯一宿主。根据指示宿主的表型数据,对P1蛋白和外壳蛋白氨基酸序列进行的系统发育分析表明,来自可可纳的PTV分离株代表可区分的菌株。相反,来自番茄和辣椒的PTV分离株未按宿主分组。将来自本研究的三个PTV分离株的序列数据与其他PTV分离株和其他马铃薯病毒进行系统发育分析,可以增强PTV在“马铃薯病毒”的“ PVY亚组”中的成员资格。该密切相关的马铃薯病毒种的亚组也可通过其在多蛋白内蛋白质编码区的大小更均匀而与其他马铃薯病毒区分开。



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