首页> 外文期刊>Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology >Upregulating reverse cholesterol transport with cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition requires combination with the LDL-lowering drug berberine in dyslipidemic hamsters

Upregulating reverse cholesterol transport with cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition requires combination with the LDL-lowering drug berberine in dyslipidemic hamsters


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Objective-This study aimed to investigate whether cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition promotes in vivo reverse cholesterol transport in dyslipidemic hamsters. Methods and Results-In vivo reverse cholesterol transport was measured after an intravenous injection of H-cholesteryl-oleate-labeled/ oxidized low density lipoprotein particles (H-oxLDL), which are rapidly cleared from plasma by liver-resident macrophages for further H-tracer egress in plasma, high density lipoprotein (HDL), liver, and feces. A first set of hamsters made dyslipidemic with a high-fat and high-fructose diet was treated with vehicle or torcetrapib 30 mg/kg (TOR) over 2 weeks. Compared with vehicle, TOR increased apolipoprotein E-rich HDL levels and significantly increased H-tracer appearance in HDL by 30% over 72 hours after H-oxLDL injection. However, TOR did not change H-tracer recovery in liver and feces, suggesting that uptake and excretion of cholesterol deriving from apolipoprotein E-rich HDL is not stimulated. As apoE is a potent ligand for the LDL receptor, we next evaluated the effects of TOR in combination with the LDL-lowering drug berberine, which upregulates LDL receptor expression in dyslipidemic hamsters. Compared with TOR alone, treatment with TOR+berberine 150 mg/kg resulted in lower apolipoprotein E-rich HDL levels. After H-oxLDL injection, TOR+berberine significantly increased H-tracer appearance in fecal cholesterol by 109%. Conclusion-Our data suggest that cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition alone does not stimulate reverse cholesterol transport in dyslipidemic hamsters and that additional effects mediated by the LDL-lowering drug berberine are required to upregulate this process.
机译:目的-本研究旨在研究胆固醇酯转移蛋白的抑制作用是否能促进血脂异常仓鼠体内胆固醇的反向转运。方法和结果-静脉内注射H-胆固醇-油酸酯标记/氧化的低密度脂蛋白颗粒(H-oxLDL)后,测量体内胆固醇的反向转运,肝脏驻留的巨噬细胞可将血浆中的H-oxLDL迅速清除,以清除H-血浆,高密度脂蛋白(HDL),肝脏和粪便中的示踪剂流出。用高脂和高果糖饮食进行降血脂的第一组仓鼠在2周内用赋形剂或Torcetrapib 30 mg / kg(TOR)治疗。与媒介物相比,TOR注射H-oxLDL后72小时内,富含载脂蛋白E的HDL水平增加,并且HDL中的H-示踪剂显着增加了30%。但是,TOR并没有改变肝脏和粪便中H示踪剂的回收率,表明未刺激富含脂蛋白E的HDL衍生的胆固醇的摄取和排泄。由于apoE是LDL受体的有效配体,因此,我们接下来评估了TOR与降低LDL的药物小ine碱联合的作用,该药物上调了血脂异常仓鼠中的LDL受体表达。与单独的TOR相比,TOR +小ber碱150 mg / kg的治疗导致富含载脂蛋白E的HDL水平降低。注射H-oxLDL后,TOR +小ber碱可将粪便胆固醇中的H-示踪剂显着增加109%。结论-我们的数据表明,单独的胆固醇酯转移蛋白抑制作用不会刺激血脂异常仓鼠中胆固醇的逆向转运,并且需要通过降低LDL的药物小ber碱介导的其他作用来上调该过程。



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