首页> 外文期刊>Photosynthetica: International Journal for Photosynthesis Research >Relationship between flavonoids and photoprotection in shade-developed Erigeron breviscapus transferred to sunlight

Relationship between flavonoids and photoprotection in shade-developed Erigeron breviscapus transferred to sunlight


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Flavonoids are thought to participate in protection of the photosynthetic apparatus against photoinhibition under excessive light. Flavone glycoside, scutellarin, is a main active ingredient extracted from Erigeron breviscapus, the plant used in Chinese medicine. Shade-developed leaves of E. breviscapus were transferred from shade to full sunlight to quantify a relationship between the concentration of leaf scutellarin and tolerance to high radiation stress or the recovery from photoinhibition. The maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry showed a diurnal fluctuation in both shaded and sunlit leaves throughout the day. It indicated dynamic photoinhibition in the leaves of Erigeron, i.e., higher photoinhibition at solar noon and lower one in the morning and late afternoon. The sun-developed leaves reached the higher scutellarin content and values of nonphotochemical quenching coefficient with a lower degree of photoinhibition than the shade-developed leaves. When the shade-developed leaves were transferred to full sunlight, the content of scutellarin was declining continuously for 10 d and then was increasing for 15 d. After 50 d, all leaves became the sun-developed leaves with their scutellarin contents of about 138.5 +/- 5.2 mg g(-1)(dry mass, DM) which was significantly higher than that of the shade-developed leaves 107.8 +/- 9.8 mg g(-1)(DM). During acclimatization, the degree of photoinhibition was negatively correlated with the scutellarin content. Our results demonstrated a synchronous fluctuation between the flavonoid content and degree of protection against photoinhibition.
机译:黄酮类化合物被认为参与保护光合装置免受过度光照下的光抑制。黄芩苷(黄芩素)是从中药植物短叶芩中提取的主要活性成分。将短鳞栉的遮荫叶片从阴处转移到充足的阳光下,以量化叶片黄芩浓度与对高辐射胁迫的耐受性或光抑制恢复之间的关系。PSII光化学的最大量子产率在全天的遮荫和阳光照射下叶片中都显示出昼夜波动。结果表明,Erigeron的叶片具有动态光抑制作用,即太阳中午的光抑制较高,早晨和傍晚的光抑制较低。与遮荫发育的叶片相比,日晒叶片的黄芩素含量和非光化学猝灭系数值较高,光抑制程度较低。当遮荫发育的叶片充分照射时,黄芩素含量连续下降10 d,然后增加15 d。50 d后,所有叶片均成为日光发育的叶片,其黄芩素含量约为138.5 +/- 5.2 mg g(-1)(干质量,DM),显著高于遮荫发育叶片的107.8 +/- 9.8 mg g(-1)(DM)]。在驯化过程中,光抑制程度与黄芩素含量呈负相关。我们的结果表明,类黄酮含量与抗光抑制保护程度之间存在同步波动。



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