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Homozygous deficiency: Syrian hamsters with only 42 chromosomes




By crossing individuals of a line of Syrian hamsters (1SH), 2n = 43, which lack one derivative chromosome (der 11) of a reciprocal translocation, T(l 1;20), two homozygous deficient males were obtained. These animals have only 42 chromosomes and completely lack the centromere and short arm of chromosome 11 and most of the long arm of chromosome 20. Phenotypically and anatomically these animals are apparently normal. Meiosis in both animals was regular with 21 bivalents, and mature sperm were produced. One of the animals sired two litters when mated to normal females. Detailed cytogenetic studies gave no evidence of mosaicism, and the kinetic behaviour of blood and skin cells in short-term culture was identical to control (2n = 44) cells. The detailed kinetics of DNA synthesis of fibroblasts in vitro did not differ from those of normal cells. The missing material, which constitutes about 2.5% of the total chromosome length, synthesizes DNA late, replicating bands being absent until the last sub-phase (Sk5) of the hamster S phase.
机译:通过杂交叙利亚仓鼠系 (1SH) 的个体,2n = 43,它们缺乏一条相互易位的衍生染色体 (der 11),T(l 1;20),获得2只纯合缺陷雄性。这些动物只有 42 条染色体,完全缺乏 11 号染色体的着丝粒和短臂以及 20 号染色体的大部分长臂。从表型和解剖学上讲,这些动物显然是正常的。两只动物的减数分裂都是有规律的,有21个二价,并产生成熟的精子。其中一只动物在与正常雌配时生了两窝。详细的细胞遗传学研究没有提供嵌合体的证据,短期培养中血液和皮肤细胞的动力学行为与对照(2n = 44)细胞相同。成纤维细胞在体外DNA合成的详细动力学与正常细胞没有差异。缺失的物质约占染色体总长度的 2.5%,合成 DNA 较晚,复制条带直到仓鼠 S 期的最后一个亚期 (Sk5) 才消失。



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