首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: A Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Research >A multi-centre, blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled, laboratory-based study of MQX-503, a novel topical gel formulation of nitroglycerine, in patients with Raynaud phenomenon

A multi-centre, blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled, laboratory-based study of MQX-503, a novel topical gel formulation of nitroglycerine, in patients with Raynaud phenomenon


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Objective: MQX-503 is a novel nitroglycerine preparation designed to absorb quickly and allow local vasodilatation in the skin. We examined the efficacy and tolerability of this medication in Raynaud phenomenon (RP) in a laboratory-based study. Methods: In this multi-centre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over study, subjects were treated with 0.5% or 1.25% nitroglycerine or placebo gel. Subjects received each dose twice in a randomised order. Each study session consisted of baseline laser Doppler measurements, study gel application and 5 min of cold chamber exposure (-20°C). Blood flow (BF) was measured at the end of exposure and for the next 120 min at set intervals. Other outcome measures included achievement of baseline BF; the time to achieve 50% and 70% baseline skin temperature (ST); and pain, tingling and numbness scores. Results: 37 subjects completed 214 treatment periods. Time to achieve baseline BF was significantly shorter in the two treated groups (HR=1.77 and 2.02 for 0.5% and 1.25% vs placebo, respectively). The proportion of subjects achieving baseline BF was 45.8% for placebo, 66.2% for 0.5% and 69% for 1.25% (p=0.01 and p=0.002 for 0.5% and 1.25% vs placebo, respectively). No meaningful differences were seen in ST or painumbness/tingling scores. Treatment was well tolerated with no serious adverse events. Conclusions: Treatment with MQX-503 caused a significant improvement in skin BF compared with placebo. Data from this proof of concept study suggest benefit of MQX-503 in subjects with RP.
机译:目的:MQX-503是一种新型的硝酸甘油制剂,旨在快速吸收并允许皮肤局部血管舒张。在一项基于实验室的研究中,我们检查了该药物在雷诺现象(RP)中的功效和耐受性。方法:在这项多中心,双盲,随机,安慰剂对照,交叉研究中,受试者接受0.5%或1.25%的硝酸甘油或安慰剂凝胶治疗。受试者以随机顺序两次接受每个剂量。每个研究会议包括基线激光多普勒测量,研究凝胶应用和5分钟的冷室暴露(-20°C)。在暴露结束时和设定的间隔下的120分钟内测量血流量(BF)。其他结局指标包括基线BF的实现;达到基准皮肤温度(ST)的50%和70%的时间;和疼痛,刺痛和麻木的分数。结果:37名受试者完成了214个治疗期。在两个治疗组中,达到基线BF的时间显着缩短(相对于安慰剂,HR分别为1.77和2.02(0.5%和1.25%))。安慰剂组达到基线BF的受试者比例为45.8%,0.5%组为66.2%,1.25%组为69%(相对于安慰剂组,p = 0.01,0.5%和1.25%,p = 0.002)。 ST或疼痛/麻木/刺痛评分未见有意义的差异。治疗耐受良好,无严重不良事件。结论:与安慰剂相比,用MQX-503治疗可显着改善皮肤BF。来自概念验证研究的数据表明,MQX-503在RP受试者中获益。



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