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GOING GREEN Denmark's Green Keys

机译:走向绿色 丹麦的绿色钥匙

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While other cities struggle to become more bicycle- friendly, Copenhagen, Denmark has already arrived. Thirty-two percent of this eco-centric city's commuters travel on two wheels, probably the highest percentage in any industrialized urban center. Only 30 percent drive, and the rest walk (five percent), take the train (13 percent) or the bus (20 percent). Street corners in Copenhagen are magnets for parked bicycles, and some of them are municipally owned under the innovative City Bike Scheme. There are some 2,500 bicycles stashed on 125 racks around the city, complete with built-in maps. Insert a 20-kroner ($3.40) coin and the bike is released. When you return the bike, you get the full deposit back.
机译:当其他城市努力变得更加适合骑自行车时,丹麦哥本哈根已经到来。这个以生态为中心的城市中有32%的通勤者使用两个轮子,这可能是所有工业化城市中心中比例最高的。只有30%的人开车,其余的人步行(5%),乘坐火车(13%)或公共汽车(20%)。哥本哈根的街角是停放自行车的磁铁,其中一些是市政当局根据创新的城市自行车计划拥有的。大约有2,500辆自行车藏在城市周围的125个架子上,并配有内置地图。插入一枚 20 克朗(3.40 美元)的硬币,自行车就会被释放。当您归还自行车时,您将获得全额押金。



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