首页> 外文期刊>Boreas >Climate and human induced hydrological change since AD 800 in an ombrotrophic mire in Pomerania (N Poland) tracked by testate amoebae, macro-fossils, pollen and tree rings of pine

Climate and human induced hydrological change since AD 800 in an ombrotrophic mire in Pomerania (N Poland) tracked by testate amoebae, macro-fossils, pollen and tree rings of pine


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Lamentowicz, M., Milecka, K., Galka, M., Cedro, A., Pawlyta, J., Piotrowska, N., Lamentowicz, L. & van der Knaap, W. O.: Climate and human induced hydrological change since AD 800 in an ombrotrophic mire in Pomerania (N Poland) tracked by testate amoebae, macro-fossils, pollen and tree rings of pine. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2007.00004.x. ISSN 0300-9843. This high-resolution, multiproxy, palaeoenvironmental study of the Slowinskie Blota raised bog in N Poland, 10 km from the Baltic Sea, covering the last 1200 years reveals different aspects of environmental change in a range of spatial scales from local to regional. Testate amoebae allowed quantitative reconstruction of the local water table using a transfer function based on a training set from N and W Poland. Special attention is paid to the testate amoeba Arcella discoides, which responds to rapid water-table fluctuations more than to average surface wetness. Macrofossils supported by local pollen tracked the local vegetation dynamics caused by local human impact and disturbance, including nutrients. Regional pollen showed human-induced landscape change outside the bog. Tree rings of Pinus sylvestris reflected the history of tree establishment and desiccation of the bog. Strong correlations between DCA axes 1 of regional pollen, of macrofossils and of testate amoebae, and a testate-amoebae-based water-table reconstruction that excludes A. discoides, indicate that changes on all spatial scales are linked, which is explained by a strong hydrologic connection between bog and surroundings. The combination of proxies shows that groundwater levels were modified by both human impact and climate change.
机译:Lamentowicz,M.,Milecka,K.,Galka,M.,Cedro,A.,Pawlyta,J.,Piotrowska,N.,Lamentowicz,L.&van der Knaap,WO:自公元800年以来的气候和人类诱发的水文变化在波美拉尼亚(波兰北部)的一种营养滋生泥潭中,由睾丸变形虫,大型化石,花粉和松树环追踪。 Boreas,10.1111 / j.1502-3885.2007.00004.x。 ISSN 0300-9843。这项对Slowinskie Blota沼泽地的研究是一项高分辨率,多代理,古环境的研究,该波兰沼地距波罗的海10公里,覆盖了过去1200年,涵盖了从本地到区域的一系列空间尺度的环境变化。遗嘱性变形虫允许使用基于波兰N和W训练集的传递函数对当地地下水位进行定量重建。特别要注意的是睾丸变形虫Arcella discoides,它对快速水位波动的反应比对平均表面湿度的反应要大。受当地花粉支持的大型化石追踪了当地人类活动和干扰(包括养分)引起的植被动态。区域花粉显示沼泽以外人为引起的景观变化。樟子松的年轮反映了树的建立和沼泽干燥的历史。区域花粉,大型化石和睾丸变形虫的DCA轴1与基于A盘状菌的基于睾丸-变形虫的水位重建之间的强相关性表明,所有空间尺度的变化都是相关的,这可以通过强沼泽与周围环境之间的水文联系。代理人的结合表明,地下水水平受到人类影响和气候变化的影响。



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