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Chronology and organic chemistry of the Black Creek Swamp Megafauna site (Late Pleistocene), Kangaroo Island, Australia


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The timing of the extinction of the Australian Megafauna and whether it was simultaneous and widespread has been a much researched topic in Quaternary geoscience. The Black Creek Swamp Megafauna site on Kangaroo Island was thought to be a refugium for Megafauna; however, recent and multidiscipline age determinations have established that the fossils are considerably older than the well-quoted extinction age of 45 kyr. Further radiocarbon age determinations, delta 13C isotope analysis and 13C-NMR spectroscopy of the fossil containing organic matter demonstrates that it is highly soluble and accumulated as recently as 31-18 cal. kyr BP. These radiocarbon ages are much younger than the 100-50 kyr age bracket ascertained for the fossil material itself, implying separate episodes of death, deposition and burial. The soluble nature of the organic matter and increasing radiocarbon ages with depth suggests lateral accumulation, probably transported by subsurface waters from elevated areas proximal to the low-lying swamp. Such depositional conditions and 14C age range implies that the site may have experienced an unusually wet Last Glacial Maximum, due maybe to its proximity to the continental shelf and thus to maritime conditions. C3 vegetation dominates the Black Creek Swamp and its organic matter (delta 13C; -30 parts per thousand and -23 parts per thousand); however, variations in delta 13C may indicate climatic shifts. 13C-enrichment and an abundance of salt-tolerant gastropods within the site's final phase of sediment accumulation (< 6 cal. kyr BP) suggest that conditions during this most recent period were not as wet as those of the Last Glacial Maximum.
机译:在第四纪地球科学中,澳大利亚大型动物灭绝的时机以及它是否同时发生和广泛传播一直是研究的热点。袋鼠岛的黑溪沼泽巨型动物场被认为是巨型动物的避难所。然而,最近和多学科的年龄确定已经确定化石比已知的45年前的灭绝年龄大得多。含有机物的化石的进一步放射性碳年龄测定,δ13C同位素分析和13C-NMR光谱表明,它高度可溶并在31-18 cal时积累。基尔BP。这些放射性碳年龄比化石材料本身确定的100-50年年龄年龄要年轻得多,这意味着死亡,沉积和埋葬分别发生。有机物的可溶性质和随着深度增加的放射性碳年龄表明侧向积累,可能是由地下水从低洼沼泽附近的高海拔地区运来的。这样的沉积条件和14C年龄范围意味着该地点可能经历了异常潮湿的“末次冰期最大值”,这可能是由于其靠近大陆架,因此是由于海洋条件。 C3植被占主导地位的黑溪沼泽及其有机质(δ13C;千分之三十和千分之二十);然而,变化量13C可能指示气候变化。该地点沉积物沉积的最终阶段(<6 cal。yr BP)内的13 C富集和耐盐腹足动物的数量丰富,这表明最近时期的条件不如上次冰川期的条件潮湿。



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