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Next-generation frontal and rear impact dummies


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Developed in the late 1970s, the Hybrid-III dummy has been used in frontal-collision tests for over 20 years. Due to the subsequent advancement of occupant restraint systems and other safety technologies, however, doubts are now raised about the reliability of Hybrid-III dummies especially their biofidelity. Some governments and laboratories are thus conducting research and development of new dummies to replace the Hyhrid-III, in keeping with the progress made in safety and injury studies. At the same time, studies on rear-end collisions have led to research into whiplash injuries and the development of rear-end collision test dummies. A number of laboratories, including JARI, are already conducting evaluation tests, on these dummies. This paper presents various next-generation dummies and their development status.
机译:Hybrid-III假人于1970年代后期开发,已用于正面碰撞测试20多年。然而,由于乘员约束系统和其他安全技术的后续发展,现在人们对 Hybrid-III 假人的可靠性产生了怀疑,尤其是它们的生物保真度。因此,一些政府和实验室正在研究和开发新的假人,以取代Hyhrid-III,以与安全和伤害研究的进展保持一致。同时,对追尾碰撞的研究导致了对挥鞭伤的研究和追尾碰撞测试假人的发展。包括JARI在内的许多实验室已经在对这些假人进行评估测试。本文介绍了各种下一代假人及其发展现状。




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