首页> 外文期刊>ARI: Bulletin of the Technical University of Istanbul: An interdisciplinary journal of physical and engineering sciences >Self-duality in dimensions 2n>4: equivalence of various definitions and the derivation of the octonionic instanton solution

Self-duality in dimensions 2n>4: equivalence of various definitions and the derivation of the octonionic instanton solution

机译:维度为2n> 4的自对偶性:各种定义的等价性和张量瞬子解的推导

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We show that the notion of strong self-duality of 2-forms in dimensions 2n, defined by the equality of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the matrix of #omega# with respect to an orthonormal basis (Bilge et al. 1996a), is equivalent to the self-duality in the Hodge sense of #omega# ~(n/2) (used in Grossman et al. 1984) and to the equality #omega# = k#omega#~(n-1)(used in Trautman 1977). We show that the octonionic instanton solution of Grossman et al. (1984), is uniquely determined from the minimality requirement of the second Pontrjagin number p_2
机译:我们证明了维度2n中2形式的强自我对偶性的概念,它由#omega#矩阵的特征值的绝对值相对于正交标准的相等来定义(Bilge et al。1996a),在Hodge意义上等于#omega#〜(n / 2)的自对偶性(在Grossman等人1984中使用),并等于#omega#= k#omega#〜(n-1)(用于在特劳特曼(1977)。我们表明,Grossman等人的正离子瞬时解。 (1984)是根据第二个庞特雅金数p_2的极小要求唯一确定的



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