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Sellers look for alternatives to US


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Unusually extensive refinery maintenance west of the Rock- ies has tightened jet fuel supplies and helped open the arbitrage to move jet from Asia-Pacific to the US west coast (see upper graph). A 300,000 bl cargo of South Korean jet loading at the end of May is scheduled to head for the US, with the potential for another three or four similar fixtures to be booked. Recent North Sea crude price gains are drawing west African supplies to the UK (see lower graph). Morgan Stanley is bring- ing a 950,000 bl Nigerian Forcados cargo to Ineos’ 205,000 b/d Grangemouth refinery at the end of May. And Angolan Kissanje and Nigerian Erha have either arrived or are due at the 210,000 b/d Pembroke and 112,000 b/d Milford Haven refineries.
机译:洛矶山脉以西的异常广泛的炼油厂维护工作收紧了喷气燃料的供应,并帮助将套利从亚太地区转移到美国西海岸(见上图)。计划于5月底运送30万桶韩国喷气式飞机前往美国,并有可能再订购三,四个类似的装置。北海最近的原油价格上涨正在吸引西非国家向英国供应石油(见下图)。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)将于5月底将950,000桶尼日利亚Forcados货物运往Ineos 205,000桶/日的Grangemouth炼油厂。安哥拉基桑杰和尼日利亚的Erha都已经到达或即将交付210,000桶/天的彭布罗克和112,000桶/天的米尔福德黑文精炼厂。



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