首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, and metals in postterm peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs from the Mid-Atlantic states, 1993-1999.

Organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, and metals in postterm peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs from the Mid-Atlantic states, 1993-1999.

机译:1993年至1999年来自大西洋中部各州的游eggs游eggs(Falco peregrinus)卵中的有机氯农药,PCBs,二恶英和金属。

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Peregrine falcons were extirpated from the eastern United States by 1964 due to the effects of dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorethane (DDT) (Peakall and Kiff 1988). As a result of restoration efforts, peregrines have largely recovered in the region but remain a barometer of environmental contamination. In the course of monitoring nests, biologists in the mid-Atlantic states collected peregrine falcon eggs that failed to hatch. In the period 1993-1999, 93 eggs were collected from 66 nests in 31 locations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. We analyzed eggs for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and metals, and calculated toxic equivalencies (TEQs) for dioxins and furans. Organochlorine contaminants were detected in eggs from all parts of the region. Although nest success in all parts of the region was good, the PCB TEQ in the Atlantic-New Jersey region was significantly related to nest success, and the regionwide PCB TEQ was nearly significant for nest success across the five-state area. dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE), DDT, and total PCBs were negatively correlated with eggshell thickness, although eggshell thinning (10.4%) was not at a level associated with deleterious population effects. The five states represented in this study are productive for peregrine falcons and have contributed to the recovery of this species. However, the results suggest that Atlantic coastal peregrines might be subject to contaminant burdens that have the potential to decrease nest success and productivity.
机译:由于二氯-二苯基-三氯乙烷(DDT)的影响,到1964年,百富勤猎鹰已从美国东部灭绝(Peakall and Kiff 1988)。作为恢复努力的结果,该地区的游s已基本恢复,但仍是环境污染的晴雨表。在监视巢穴的过程中,大西洋中部各州的生物学家收集了未能孵化的百里香鹰卵。在1993-1999年期间,从新泽西,宾夕法尼亚州,特拉华州,马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州的31个地点的66个巢中采集了93个卵。我们分析了鸡蛋中的有机氯农药,多氯联苯和金属,并计算了二恶英和呋喃的毒性当量(TEQ)。在该地区所有地区的鸡蛋中都检测到了有机氯污染物。尽管该地区所有地区的嵌套成功率都很高,但是大西洋-新泽西州地区的PCB TEQ与嵌套成功率显着相关,而整个地区的PCB TEQ对于整个五州地区的嵌套成功率都非常重要。二氯二苯二氯乙烯(DDE),滴滴涕(DDT)和总PCB与蛋壳厚度呈负相关,尽管蛋壳变薄(10.4%)并未达到与有害种群效应相关的水平。这项研究中代表的五个州对百富勤猎鹰具有生产性,并为该物种的恢复做出了贡献。但是,结果表明,大西洋沿岸的游eg可能受到污染物的负担,这有可能降低筑巢成功率和生产力。



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