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Middle cuts and runs


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US crude oil demand fell by 3.3pc in the first quarter, led by sharp declines in sales of heating oil and fuel oil. The EIA's Petroleum Supply Monthly, published at the end of April, revised February demand down by 770,000 b/d to just 19.78mn b/d, 1.5mn b/d lower than in February last year. This is the first time since November 2003 that US monthly demand has dropped below 20mn b/d. Residual fuel oil sales fell to 550,000 b/d, 40pc down on a year earlier and close to the record low reached at the end of 2006. Diesel is the only product for which first-quarter demand is up on last year. But even this growth is questionable, because of a sulphur specification change in summer last year which means that off-road automotive fuel is now defined as diesel rather than heating oil.
机译:由于取暖油和燃料油的销量急剧下降,第一季度美国原油需求下降了3.3%。 EIA于4月底发布的《石油供应月报》将2月份的需求量下调了770,000桶/天,至1,978万桶/天,比去年2月减少了150万桶/天。这是自2003年11月以来美国月度需求首次降至2000万桶/日以下。剩余燃料油销量下降至550,000桶/天,比去年同期下降40%,接近2006年底创下的历史新低。柴油是唯一第一季度需求比去年上升的产品。但是,即使是这样的增长也令人质疑,因为去年夏天硫的规格发生了变化,这意味着现在将越野汽车燃料定义为柴油,而不是取暖油。



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