首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Long-term fate of glyphosate associated with repeated rodeo applications to control smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) in Willapa Bay, Washington.

Long-term fate of glyphosate associated with repeated rodeo applications to control smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) in Willapa Bay, Washington.

机译:草甘膦的长期命运与反复使用牛仔竞技表演以控制华盛顿威拉帕湾的光滑草皮(Spartina alterniflora)有关。

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Cordgrasses (Spartina sp.) are exotic, invasive species that threaten to degrade the intertidal zones of estuaries along the West Coast of North America. Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies primarily focus on the use of aerial and ground applications of Rodeo in conjunction with mowing, but IPM treatments over multiple years usually are necessary to control Spartina. Although information exists regarding the short-term fate and effects to marine biota of a single Rodeo application to control Spartina, little information is available regarding the fate and biotic effects associated with repeated Rodeo applications necessary for control. Consequently, we conducted a 3-year study to assess the short- and long-term fate and potential effects to marine biota associated with repeated applications of Rodeo to control smooth cordgrass in a southwestern Washington estuary. At each of three intertidal locations in Willapa Bay, we established plots on exposed mudflats and along the edge of a Spartina meadow that were hand sprayed with Rodeo (5% solution) and LI-700 (2% solution) during July 1997 and 1998. Glyphosate concentrations in sediment from mudflat plots declined 88% to 96% from 1 day posttreatment in 1997 to 1 year after the second Rodeo applications in 1999. In contrast, glyphosate concentrations in Spartina plots increased 231% to 591% from 1997 to 1999 because Spartina rhizomes likely did not readily metabolize or exude it. Comparison of concentrations from mudflat and Spartina plots with toxicity test values for marine biota indicates that under worst-case conditions short- and long-term detrimental effects to aquatic biota from repeated application of Rodeo for Spartina control would be highly unlikely.
机译:草(Spartina sp。)是外来入侵物种,有可能使北美西海岸河口潮间带退化。病虫害综合治理(IPM)策略主要集中在将Rodeo的空中和地面应用与割草结合使用,但是通常需要多年的IPM处理才能控制Spartina。尽管存在有关单个罗迪欧应用来控制Spartina的短期命运和对海洋生物的影响的信息,但是关于与重复控制罗迪欧应用相关的命运和生物影响的信息很少。因此,我们进行了一项为期3年的研究,以评估与西南牛仔河口反复使用Rodeo来控制平滑脐带草相关的海洋生物群的短期和长期命运以及潜在影响。在Willapa湾的三个潮间带地点中的每个地点,我们在裸露的滩涂上和沿着Spartina草地的边缘建立了一块土地,分别在1997年7月和1998年分别用Rodeo(5%溶液)和LI-700(2%溶液)喷洒。从泥滩地块的沉积物中草甘膦浓度从1997年的后处理1天到1999年第二次牛仔竞技表演后的1年,下降了88%至96%。相反,在Spartina地块中草甘膦的浓度从1997年到1999年增加了231%至591%,因为Spartina根茎可能不容易代谢或散发。将滩涂和斯巴达纳图中的浓度与海洋生物群的毒性测试值进行比较表明,在最坏情况下,反复使用罗迪欧(Rodeo)进行控制斯巴迪纳对水生生物群的短期和长期有害影响是极不可能的。



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