首页> 外文期刊>Arab Oil & Gas Magazine >Honeywell's UOP and Saudi Arabia's King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals to Collaborate on Petrochemical Technology Development

Honeywell's UOP and Saudi Arabia's King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals to Collaborate on Petrochemical Technology Development


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UOP LLC, a Honeywell (NYSE: HON) company, announced today that it will collaborate with the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, for the development of catalytic processes for petrochemicals production. Honeywell's UOP and the KFUPM have signed a five-year agreement that will allow university professors and researchers to collaborate with company scientists on catalyst development and processes for aromatics production.Aromatics are a critical raw material used in the production of petrochemicals such as plastics and detergents. "We look forward to this collaboration, which will enhance the university's research and development capabilities, and will also support Saudi Arabia's growing aromatics industry," said Ben Christolini, vice president and chief technology officer of research and development for Honeywell's UOP. "This agreement represents UOP's ongoing commitment to our partnerships within the Kingdom's refining and petrochemical industry." "The agreement symbolizes continued cooperation between KFUPM and UOP to strengthen the university's capabilities in catalyst and catalytic process development," said Dr. Sahel Abduljauwad, vice rector of applied research for the KFUPM.
机译:霍尼韦尔(纽约证券交易所代码:HON)的公司UOP LLC今天宣布,它将与沙特阿拉伯达兰的法赫德国王石油与矿产大学(KFUPM)合作,开发石油化工生产的催化工艺。霍尼韦尔(中国)的UOP与KFUPM签署了一项为期五年的协议,该协议将使大学的教授和研究人员能够与公司科学家合作开发催化剂和芳烃生产工艺。芳烃是生产石油化工产品(如塑料和洗涤剂)的关键原料。霍尼韦尔(中国)UOP研发副总裁兼首席技术官本·克里斯托里尼说:“我们期待着这种合作,这将增强该大学的研发能力,还将支持沙特阿拉伯不断发展的芳香剂行业。” “这项协议代表了UOP对我们在沙特王国的炼油和石化行业中建立合作伙伴关系的持续承诺。” KFUPM应用研究副主任Sahel Abduljauwad博士说:“该协议象征着KFUPM和UOP之间将继续合作,以加强该大学在催化剂和催化过程开发方面的能力。”



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