首页> 外文期刊>Botanica Marina >Cyanobacteria and macroalgae from an arid environment mangrove on the east coast of the Baja California Peninsula

Cyanobacteria and macroalgae from an arid environment mangrove on the east coast of the Baja California Peninsula


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We describe the assemblage of cyanobacteria and macroalgae on Avicennia germinans pneumatophores, Rhizophora mangle aerial roots, and within the tidal channel of a mangrove located in a lagoon bordering the east coast of the Baja California Peninsula, from samples collected every 2 months from May 2005 to May 2006. A total of 68 species were found: 21 cyanobacteria, 1 Xanthophyta, 25 Chlorophyta, 1 Ochrophyta-Phaeophyceae, 19 Rhodophyta, and 1 Anthophyta. Species richness varied between habitats; pneumatophores supported 29 species of algae, aerial roots supported 20 species of algae, and the channel bottom supported 46 species. Taxa common to the three habitats were Lyngbya sp., Vaucheria sp., Boodleopsis pusilla, Rhizoclonium riparium, and Bostrychia radicans. Mean wet weight algal biomasses on aerial roots and in the channel were 494 g root(-1) and 12,924 g m(-2), respectively. The dominant species on aerial roots and on the channel bottom were Caulerpa sertularioides, Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, and Spyridia filamentosa. The channel bottom also had Vaucheria sp. and two cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria sp. and Lyngbya sp.). Morphotypes of two cyanobacteria (Heteroleibleinia sp. and Johanesbaptistia sp.) are recorded in this habitat for the first time.
机译:我们描述了蓝藻和大型藻类在Avicennia的气生细菌,Rhizophora mangle气生根以及位于与下加利福尼亚州半岛东海岸接壤的泻湖中的红树林潮汐通道内的组合,这些样品是从2005年5月至每2个月收集的2006年5月。共发现68种:蓝细菌21种,叶生植物1种,叶绿体25种,衣藻科1种,藻科1种,红藻19种和直生藻类。不同生境的物种丰富度各不相同;气穴支持29种藻类,气生根支持20种藻类,而海峡底部支持46种藻类。这三个生境共有的分类单元是Lyngbya sp。,Vaucheria sp。,Boodleopsis pusilla,Rhizoclonium riparium和Bostrychia radicans。气生根和通道中的平均湿重藻类生物量分别为494 g root(-1)和12,924 g m(-2)。气生根和通道底部的优势种为Caulerpa sertularioides,Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis和Spyridia silkosa。通道底部也有Vaucheria sp。和两个蓝细菌(Oscillatoria sp。和Lyngbya sp。)。首次在该栖息地中记录了两种蓝藻的形态型(Heteroleibleinia sp。和Johanesbaptistia sp。)。



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