首页> 外文期刊>Botanica Marina >Taxonomic study of two Sargassum species (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan: Sargassum ryukyuense sp nov and Sargassum pinnatifidum Harvey

Taxonomic study of two Sargassum species (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan: Sargassum ryukyuense sp nov and Sargassum pinnatifidum Harvey

机译:来自日本南部琉球群岛的两种Sargassum物种(古柯,古藻科)的分类学研究:Sargassum ryukyuense sp nov和Sargassum pinnatifidum Harvey

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Species of the genus Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) belonging to the Schizophycus group (in subgenus Sargassum sensu lato) from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, were morphologically reinvestigated, and two entities were recognized: Sargassum ryukyuense sp. nov. and Sargassum pinnatifidum. The new species is characterized by: 1) compressed primary branches; 2) simple lanceolate primary and lateral leaves with an undulate and dentate margin in all stages; 3) lateral branches issuing alternate-distichously on the main branches in one plane; 4) long and flattened receptacles arranged alternate-distichously on terminal branches; 5) main and lateral branches on the stem issuing as foliar expansions in the early stage of development; and 6) vesicles with a simple coronal leaf. This new species resembles S. pinnatifidum in features 1), 3) and 5). However, it differs from S. pinnatifidum in features 2), 4) and 6). Furthermore, this new species can be distinguished from all previously described species based on the complete set of diagnostic features above and by the presence of long lingulate receptacles with short stalks. The new species is known to be endemic in the Ryukyu Islands and adjacent waters of southern Japan.
机译:对日本南部琉球群岛的裂殖藻属(Sargassum sensu lato亚属)的裂殖藻属的Sargassum属(富科,Phaeophyceae)进行了形态学研究,发现了两个实体:Sargassum ryukyuense sp。十一月和Sargassum pinnatifidum。新物种的特征是:1)压缩的初级分支; 2)简单的披针形初生叶和侧生叶,在所有阶段都有起伏的齿状边缘; 3)在一个平面上主分支上交替分布的横向分支; 4)扁平的长而扁平的插座在端子分支上交替排列; 5)在发育的早期,茎的主枝和侧枝作为叶的扩张而发出; 6)具有简单冠状叶的囊泡。该新物种类似于特征1),3)和5)中的羽扇豆。但是,它在特征2),4)和6)中不同于品脱链霉菌。此外,基于上述完整的诊断特征以及存在长茎且短柄的舌状容器,可以将该新物种与所有先前描述的物种区分开。已知该新物种在琉球群岛和日本南部附近的水域是地方性的。



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