首页> 外文期刊>Bone marrow transplantation >Screening, prevention and management of osteoporosis and bone loss in adult and pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.

Screening, prevention and management of osteoporosis and bone loss in adult and pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.


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Long-term survivors of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) are at risk for loss of bone mineral density (BMD) and subsequent osteoporosis. There is a lack of clear guidelines for the screening, prevention and treatment of bone loss after HCT. We reviewed the prevailing literature and provide guidelines developed by our center for the screening and management of this complication. Bone loss occurs predominantly within the first 6-12 months after autologous and allogeneic HCT. Recovery first occurs in the lumbar spine and is followed by a slower recovery of BMD in the femoral neck. BMD may not return to baseline levels in patients with continuing exposure to corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors. All HCT recipients should be advised general interventions to reduce fracture risk including adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. We recommend screening all adult allogeneic and autologous HCT recipients with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 1 year after transplantation. Patients at high risk for bone loss (for example, patients receiving >/= 5 mg of prednisone equivalent daily for > 3 months) can be screened earlier (for example, 3-6 months after HCT). Where indicated, bisphosphonates or other anti-resorptive agents (for example, calcitonin) can be used for prevention or treatment of osteoporosis in adult HCT recipients. Pediatric HCT recipients should be referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for evaluation and treatment of bone loss. There remain several areas of uncertainty that need further research in adult and pediatric HCT recipients, such as the optimal timing and frequency of screening for loss of bone mineral density, relationship of bone loss with risk of fractures, selection of appropriate patients for pharmacologic therapy, and optimal dosing schedule and duration of therapy with anti-resorptive agents.
机译:造血细胞移植(HCT)的长期幸存者有丧失骨矿物质密度(BMD)和随后发生骨质疏松症的风险。对于HCT后的骨丢失的筛查,预防和治疗,缺乏明确的指南。我们回顾了主流文献,并提供了由我们中心开发的指南,用于筛查和处理这种并发症。骨丢失主要发生在自体和同种异体造血干细胞移植后的头6-12个月内。恢复首先发生在腰椎,然后股骨颈中BMD的恢复较慢。持续接触皮质类固醇和钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂的患者的BMD可能不会恢复到基线水平。应建议所有HCT接受者采取一般干预措施,以降低骨折风险,包括适当摄入钙和维生素D。我们建议在移植后1年对所有成人同种异体和自体HCT接受者进行双能X线骨密度仪的筛查。骨质流失高风险的患者(例如,每天接受大于等于5 mg泼尼松当量,持续3个月以上的患者)可以进行早期筛查(例如,HCT后3-6个月)。如有指明,双膦酸盐或其他抗吸收剂(例如降钙素)可用于预防或治疗成人HCT接受者的骨质疏松症。小儿HCT接受者应转介给小儿内分泌科医生,以评估和治疗骨质流失。在成人和儿科HCT接受者中仍然存在一些不确定性需要进一步研究的领域,例如筛查骨矿物质密度损失的最佳时机和频率,骨丢失与骨折风险的关系,选择合适的患者进行药物治疗,最佳的给药时间表和抗吸收剂治疗的持续时间。



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