首页> 外文期刊>Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental >Myo-inositol in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Myo-inositol in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


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OBJECTIVE: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a mood disorder disrupting social and/or occupational life of affected women. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder etiology is unknown, although a pivotal role is played by the serotoninergic system. Indeed, one of the most effective treatments is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Several studies have proposed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-like role for myo-inositol, likely due to the fact that myo-inositol is the second messenger of serotonin. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effect of myo-inositol in the treatment of PMDD. METHODS: We used a two-phase clinical trial approach (phase I: placebo washout; phase II: comparisons between treatment and placebo) and treated PMMD patients with two different myo-inositol formulations: powder or soft gel capsules. We decided to test these two formulations because according to the manufacturer, 0.6 g of myo-inositol in soft gel capsule has a pharmacokinetic equivalent to 2 g of myo-inositol in powder. RESULTS: Our results showed a significant improvement of three different scales: a reduction in the Daily Symptoms Records scale and an improvement of the Hamilton Depression Rating and Clinical Global Impression-Severity of Illness scales. Results were similar for both formulations. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, by using a new pharmaceutical formulation, we were able to clearly prove the efficacy of myo-inositol in PMDD.
机译:目的:经前焦虑障碍(PMDD)是一种情绪障碍扰乱社会和/或职业影响女性的生活。焦虑障碍病因尚不清楚,尽管含血清素的在其中扮演了关键的角色系统。治疗方法是选择性5 -羟色胺再摄取抑制剂。选择性5 -羟色胺再摄取inhibitor-like角色肌醇,可能由于这一事实肌醇的第二信使5 -羟色胺。调查中肌醇的效果经前不悦症的治疗。临床试验方法(第一阶段:安慰剂冲刷;和安慰剂)和治疗患者PMMD两个不同的肌醇配方:粉末或软凝胶胶囊。因为根据配方制造商,0.6 g的肌醇软凝胶胶囊药代动力学相当于2 g肌醇的粉末。显示出了极大的提高不同的尺度:每天减少记录的规模和改善症状汉密尔顿抑郁评定和临床全球Impression-Severity疾病的鳞片。配方是相似的。在目前的研究中,通过使用一个新的制药配方,我们可以清楚地证明肌醇的功效



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