首页> 外文期刊>Annals of surgical oncology >Staging stage IV colorectal cancer

Staging stage IV colorectal cancer


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Like most malignancies, colorectal cancer is an extraordinarily heterogeneous disease. From surgically curable early-stage tumors to almost uniformly lethal diffuse metastatic disease, the treatment and outcome of colorectal cancer runs a wide spectrum. Unlike most malignancies, this spectrum of treatment and outcome exists within the group of patients diagnosed with stage IV disease. Patients who have widely disseminated, multior-gan, metastatic disease are treated with palliative chemotherapy with a median survival of approximately 2 years. To add further complexity and heterogeneity to this, up to 10 % of patients treated with palliative chemotherapy survive 5 years, and the group of patients with resected liver and/or lung metastases have an associated 5-year survival rate of ~50 %. By contrast, ~1 in 5 patients who have limited and resectable liver metastases is cured by hepatic resection.4 Both early death and prolonged disease-free survival are therefore possible in patients with "stage IV" colorectal cancer.
机译:像大多数恶性肿瘤一样,大肠癌是一种非常不同的疾病。从可手术治愈的早期肿瘤到几乎一致的致死性弥漫性转移性疾病,大肠癌的治疗和结局涉及范围很广。与大多数恶性肿瘤不同,这种治疗和结果范围存在于诊断为IV期疾病的患者组中。姑息性化疗治疗了广泛传播的多发性转移性疾病,中位生存期约为2年。为了进一步增加复杂性和异质性,接受姑息化学疗法治疗的患者中,多达10%的患者可以生存5年,而切除了肝和/或肺转移的患者组的5年生存率约为50%。相比之下,只有5例有限且可切除的肝转移患者通过肝切除得以治愈。4因此,“ IV期”结直肠癌患者既有可能早死也有无病生存期。



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