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Medical or surgical therapy for primary aldosteronism: Post-treatment follow-up as a surrogate measure of comparative outcomes


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Background: In primary aldosteronism (PA), lateralized aldosterone excess can be treated with aldosterone antagonists or surgery, which raises the question as to whether surgery or medications should be the preferred management. A difference in required patient follow-up/clinic resource utilization might provide a surrogate estimate of the comparative outcome efficacy of medical versus surgical therapy. Methods: From a retrospective review of our adrenal vein sampling (AVS) database June 2005 to August 2011, we chose all patients with PA who were surgical candidates and investigated with AVS. There were 77 subjects; 38 (with aldosteronoma) had unilateral adrenalectomy, and 39 (7 aldosteronoma and 32 hyperplasia) were treated with primary medical therapy. After AVS, patients with nonsurgical disease immediately started mineralocorticoid antagonists and follow-up measured from the AVS date. Surgical patients were seen in the clinic immediately after hospital discharge and follow-up measured from the operative date. Target BP was <140/90 before discharge to the community. Results: Total follow-up ranged from 1 to 55 months, and 4 subjects were lost to follow-up. Mean follow-up in the medical and surgical groups was 13.4 versus 6.5 months (p < 0.004). There was a trend toward more clinic visits for the medical group (7.0 vs 5.2, p = 0.17). Conclusions: Most PA patients can be managed by medical or surgical approaches. Medically treated patients require much longer-term follow-up to manage their condition, whereas most surgical patients can be successfully discharged shortly after surgery. When possible, surgical management may represent a more expeditious means of treating PA.
机译:背景:在原发性醛固酮增多症(PA)中,可以用醛固酮拮抗剂或手术治疗醛固酮过多的偏侧患者,这引发了有关手术或药物是否应作为首选治疗的问题。所需患者随访/临床资源利用方面的差异可能会提供药物与手术治疗的比较结果疗效的替代估计。方法:从2005年6月至2011年8月对我们的肾上腺静脉采样(AVS)数据库进行的回顾性研究中,我们选择了所有PA患者作为外科手术候选人并接受了AVS调查。有77个科目; 38例(醛固酮瘤)单侧肾上腺切除术,39例(醛固酮瘤7例,增生32例)接受了基本药物治疗。在进行AVS手术后,患有非手术疾病的患者立即开始使用盐皮质激素拮抗剂,并从AVS开始进行随访。出院后立即在诊所看外科病人,并从手术日期开始随访。在排入社区之前,目标BP <140/90。结果:总随访时间为1到55个月,有4名受试者失访。内科和外科组的平均随访时间为13.4个月和6.5个月(p <0.004)。医疗组有更多的诊所就诊的趋势(7.0 vs 5.2,p = 0.17)。结论:大多数PA患者可以通过内科或外科方法治疗。接受医学治疗的患者需要长期随访才能控制其病情,而大多数外科手术患者可以在手术后不久成功出院。如果可能,手术管理可能是治疗PA的一种更快捷的方法。



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