首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Condition Monitoring >(s4)Automatic track and balance of wind turbine rotors

(s4)Automatic track and balance of wind turbine rotors


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This paper presents a new method that, by using the harmonic response of the rotor in the fixed frame, first detects imbalances due to pitch misalignment and then automatically corrects them. Since a balanced rotor acts like a filter, quantities measured in a fixed frame of referenceonly contain frequencies equal to multiples of the number of blades. Therefore, a 1 per revolution (1P) frequency in the fixed frame is a symptom of rotor imbalance. The phase of the 1P signal is uniquely associated with the misaligned blade, while its amplitude relates to the severity ofthe misalignment. This allows for the formulation of a simple linear model relating 1P harmonic components to pitch misalignment angles. Given the linearity of the model, if a persistent 1P frequency is detected, it is only necessary to further misalign the faulty blade once to allow for theidentification of the model. When this has been obtained, it is possible to readily compute the pitch angle that will rebalance the rotor if applied to the faulty blade. The performance of the novel track and balance approach is demonstrated in the paper and particular attention is given toits robustness in the face of uncertainties in the model and the operating conditions.
机译:本文提出了一种新的方法,通过使用在固定转子的谐波响应由于沥青框架,首先检测失衡偏差,然后自动纠正他们。数量以一个固定的框架referenceonly包含频率等于叶片的数量的倍数。每革命(1 p)频率固定的框架转子不平衡的一个症状。1 p相关信号是独特的失调叶片,而其振幅有关的严重失调。制定一个简单的线性模型有关1 p谐波组件间距偏差角度。持续1 p频率检测,只有有必要进一步对偏有缺陷的叶片一旦允许theidentification模型。当这个已经获得,它是可能的容易计算的螺旋角如果应用到错误的平衡转子刀片。纸和平衡的方法是证明特别注意自己给出的鲁棒性面临的不确定性和模型操作条件。



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