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Retention of inorganic nitrogen by epiphytic bryophytes in a tropical montane forest.


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We developed and evaluated a model of the canopy of a tropical montane forest at Monteverde, Costa Rica, to estimate inorganic nitrogen (N) retention by epiphytes from atmospheric deposition. We first estimated net retention of inorganic N by samples of epiphytic bryophytes, epiphyte assemblages, vascular epiphyte foliage, and host tree foliage that we exposed to cloud water and precipitation solutions. Results were then scaled up to the ecosystem level using a multilayered model of the canopy derived from measurements of forest structure and epiphyte mass. The model was driven with hourly meteorological and event-based atmospheric deposition data, and model predictions were evaluated against measurements of throughfall collected at the site. Model predictions were similar to field measurements for both event-based and annual hydrologic and inorganic N fluxes in throughfall. Simulation of individual events indicated that epiphytic bryophytes and epiphyte assemblages retained 33-67 percent of the inorganic N deposited in cloud water and precipitation. On an annual basis, the model predicted that epiphytic components retained 3.4 kg N ha/yr, equivalent to 50 percent of the inorganic N in atmospheric deposition (6.8 kg N ha/yr). Our results indicate that epiphytic bryophytes play a major role in N retention and cycling in this canopy by transforming highly mobile inorganic N (ca. 50% of atmospheric deposition is NO3-) to less mobile (exchangeable NH4+) and recalcitrant forms in biomass and remaining litter and humus..
机译:我们开发并评估了哥斯达黎加蒙特维德的热带山地森林林冠的模型,以估算大气沉积中附生植物对无机氮(N)的保留。我们首先通过暴露于云水和降水溶液的附生苔藓植物,附生植物组合,附生维管植物叶子和寄主树叶子的样品来估算无机氮的净保留量。然后使用从森林结构和附生植物质量测量得出的冠层的多层模型将结果按比例放大至生态系统水平。该模型由每小时的气象和基于事件的大气沉积数据驱动,并根据在该地点收集的穿透量的测量结果评估了模型预测。模型预测与基于事件的通洪和年度水文和无机氮通量的现场测量相似。对单个事件的模拟表明,附生苔藓植物和附生植物组合保留了沉积在云水中和降水中的无机氮的33%至67%。该模型每年预测附生成分保留3.4 kg N ha / yr,相当于大气沉积物中无机N的50%(6.8 kg N ha / yr)。我们的结果表明,附生苔藓植物通过将高迁移率的无机N(大约50%的大气沉积物为NO3-)转化为移动性较小(可交换的NH4 +)和生物质中剩余的顽calc形式而在该冠层中的氮保留和循环中起主要作用。垃圾和腐殖质..



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