首页> 外文期刊>Annals of surgical oncology >Evaluating the impact of a single-day multidisciplinary clinic on the management of pancreatic cancer.

Evaluating the impact of a single-day multidisciplinary clinic on the management of pancreatic cancer.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the impact of a multidisciplinary clinic on the clinical care recommendations of patients with pancreatic cancer compared with the recommendations the patients received prior to review by the multidisciplinary tumor board. METHODS: The records of 203 consecutive patients referred to the Johns Hopkins pancreatic multidisciplinary clinic were prospectively collected from November 2006 to October 2007. Cross-sectional imaging, pathology, and medical history were evaluated by a panel of medical/radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, pathologists, diagnostic radiologists, and geneticists. Alterations in treatment recommendations between the outside institution and the multidisciplinary clinic were recorded and compared. RESULTS: On presentation, the outside computed tomography (CT) report described locally advanced/unresectable disease (34.9%), metastatic disease (17.7%), and locally advanced disease with metastasis (1.1%). On review of submitted imaging and imaging performed at Hopkins, 38 out of 203 (18.7%) patients had a change in the status of their clinical stage. Review of the histological slides by dedicated pancreatic pathologists resulted in changes in the interpretation for 7 of 203 patients (3.4%). Overall, 48 out of 203 (23.6%) patients had a change in their recommended management based on clinical review of their case by the multidisciplinary tumor board. Enrollment into the National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry increased from 52 out of 106 (49.2%) patients in 2005 to 158 out of 203 (77.8%) with initiation of the multidisciplinary clinic. CONCLUSION: The single-day pancreatic multidisciplinary clinic provided a comprehensive and coordinated evaluation of patients that led to changes in therapeutic recommendations in close to one-quarter of patients.
机译:目的:评估多学科诊所对胰腺癌患者的临床护理建议的影响,并与多学科肿瘤委员会审查之前收到的建议进行比较。方法:前瞻性收集2006年11月至2007年10月间转诊至Johns Hopkins胰腺多学科诊所的203例患者的病史。横断面成像,病理学和病史由医学/放射肿瘤学家,外科肿瘤学家小组进行评估,病理学家,放射诊断学家和遗传学家。记录并比较外部机构与多学科诊所之间的治疗建议变更。结果:在介绍时,外部计算机断层扫描(CT)报告描述了局部晚期/不可切除的疾病(34.9%),转移性疾病(17.7%)和局部晚期转移性疾病(1.1%)。在对提交的影像学检查和在霍普金斯进行的影像学检查中,203名患者中有38名(18.7%)的临床阶段状况发生了变化。专门的胰腺病理学家对组织切片进行的检查导致203位患者中的7位(3.4%)的解释发生改变。总体而言,在203名患者中,有48名(23.6%)在根据多学科肿瘤委员会对病例的临床检查后,建议的治疗有所改变。跨学科门诊开办后,美国国家胰腺胰腺肿瘤登记系统的注册人数从2005年的106名患者中的52名(49.2%)增加到203名患者中的158名(77.8%)。结论:单日胰腺多学科诊所对患者进行了全面而协调的评估,导致接近四分之一的患者的治疗建议发生了变化。



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