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Digital in-line holography of microspheres


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We have used digital in-line holography (DIH) with numerical reconstruction to image micrometer-sized latex spheres as well as ferrimagnetic beads suspended in gelatin. We have examined in detail theoretically and experimentally the conditions necessary to achieve submicrometer resolution of holographic reconstructions. We found that both transparent and opaque particles could be imaged with a resolution that was limited only by the wavelength of the light used. Simple inspection of intensity profiles through a particle allowed an estimate to be made of the particle's three position coordinates within an accuracy of a few hundred nanometers. When the derivative of a second-order polynomial fitted to the intensity profiles was taken, the X, Y, Z position coordinates of particles could be determined within ±50 nm. More-accurate positional resolution should be possible with the help of more-advanced computer averaging techniques. Because a single hologram can give information about a large collection of distributed particles, DIH offers the prospect of a powerful new tool for three-dimensional tracking of particles.
机译:我们已经使用数字在线全息(DIH)进行数值重建,以对微米级乳胶球以及悬浮在明胶中的亚铁磁珠成像。我们已在理论上和实验上详细研究了实现全息重建亚微米分辨率所需的条件。我们发现透明和不透明的粒子都可以以仅受所用光的波长限制的分辨率成像。对通过粒子的强度分布进行简单检查,就可以在几百纳米的精度范围内对粒子的三个位置坐标进行估算。当采用拟合强度分布图的二阶多项式的导数时,可以确定粒子的X,Y,Z位置坐标在±50 nm之内。借助于更先进的计算机平均技术,应该可以实现更精确的位置分辨率。由于单个全息图可以提供有关大量分布的粒子的信息,因此DIH提供了一种强大的新工具来对粒子进行三维跟踪的前景。



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