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Physician-assisted death. Opinions of a sample of Mexican physicians.


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BACKGROUND: There is insufficient information on what Mexicans think of physician-assisted death, a problem that is currently being discussed in our legislative bodies. This paper discusses the findings among a sample of physicians. METHODS: The sample was formed by 2097 physicians from several specialties employed by a Mexican government health system, distributed throughout the country. Each physician received a structured questionnaire exploring what they thought of two different scenarios related to physician-assisted death: 1) intolerable suffering of patients; and 2) persistent vegetative state (PVS). Questions included data on several personal characteristics of the respondents and two open-ended questions asking the reasons why they answered the main questions as they did. RESULTS: There was an overall response rate of 47.3%. Approximately 40% agreed with physicians helping terminally ill patients request to die because of intolerable suffering caused by incurable diseases, whereas 44% said no and the rest were undecided. This was statistically different from the answers to the scenario where the relatives of a patient in a PVS ask their physician to help him or her die, where 48% of respondents said yes, and 35% said no. The main reasons to say yes in both scenarios were respect for patients or family autonomy and to avoid suffering, whereas those opposed cited other ethical and mainly religious considerations. CONCLUSIONS: The variable with the highest probability to approve both scenarios was of a legal nature, whereas strong religious beliefs were against accepting physician-assisted death. The group was evenly divided with approximately 40% each between those for and against the idea of helping die a patient and approximately 20% were undecided.
机译:背景:关于墨西哥人对医生协助死亡的看法,目前尚无足够的信息,目前我们的立法机构正在讨论这一问题。本文讨论了样本医生中的发现。方法:样品是由2097名医生组成的,这些医生来自墨西哥政府卫生系统聘用的多个专业,并分布在全国各地。每位医生都收到一份结构化的问卷,探讨他们对与医生协助的死亡有关的两种不同情况的看法: 2)持续性植物状态(PVS)。问题包括有关受访者若干个人特征的数据,以及两个开放式问题,询问他们为什么回答主要问题的原因。结果:总有效率47.3%。大约40%的医生同意帮助绝症患者因无法治愈的疾病而无法忍受的痛苦而死亡,而44%的人表示不接受,其余人还不确定。从统计学上来说,这与PVS中患者的亲属要求医生帮助他或她死亡的方案的答案不同,在该方案中,有48%的受访者说是,而35%的受访者说不。在两种情况下都说“是”的主要原因是尊重患者或家庭自治以及避免遭受痛苦,而反对者则引用了其他伦理和主要宗教因素。结论:具有两种可能性的可能性最高的变量具有法律性质,而强烈的宗教信仰则反对接受医生协助的死亡。小组平均分配了大约40%的人赞成或反对帮助患者死亡的想法,而大约20%的人尚未决定。



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