
On the rank spread of graphs


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For a simple graph G = (V, E) with vertex-set V = {1,..., n}, let Y(G) be the set of all real symmetric n-by-n matrices whose graph is G. We present terminology linking established as well as new results related to the minimum rank problem, with spectral properties in graph theory. The minimum rank mr(G) of G is the smallest possible rank over all matrices in Y(G). The rank spread r _v(G) of G at a vertex v, defined as mr(G) - mr(G - v), can take values E ε ∈ {0, 1, 2}. In general, distinct vertices in a graph may assume any of the three values. For E = 0 or 1, there exist graphs with uniform r _v(G) (equal to the same integer at each vertex v). We show that only for E = 0, will a single matrix A in Y(G) determine when a graph has uniform rank spread. Moreover, a graph G, with vertices of rank spread zero or one only, is a λ-core graph for a λ-optimal matrix A in Y(G). We also develop sufficient conditions for a vertex of rank spread zero or two and a necessary condition for a vertex of rank spread two.
机译:一个简单图G = (V, E)与顶点集V ={1,……对称n×n矩阵g .我们是谁的图目前的术语连接建立随着新结果相关的最低等级问题,与光谱特性图理论。最小秩矩阵Y (G)。等级扩散r _v顶点v (G) G的,定义为,(G) - (G - v),可以把值ε∈{0 1 2}。图可能承担的三个值。0或1,存在图统一r _v (G)在每个顶点v(等于相同的整数)。我们E = 0,表明,只有将一个矩阵aY (G)决定当一个图有统一的等级传播。等级0或1,传播是一个λ生水起图对于一个λ最优矩阵Y (G)。充分条件的一个顶点等级扩散零个或两个和一个必要条件顶点的两个传播。



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