首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Interactions between the Japanese abalone Haliotis discus hannai (Ino 1953) and Chilean species: consumption, competition, and predation.

Interactions between the Japanese abalone Haliotis discus hannai (Ino 1953) and Chilean species: consumption, competition, and predation.

机译:日本鲍鱼Haliotis discus hannai(伊诺1953年)与智利物种之间的相互作用:消费,竞争和捕食。

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The Japanese abalone, Haliotis discus hannai (Ino, 1953) is produced in Land-based culture on the coast of Chile. The high costs involved in such culture systems generated the interest to evaluate the possibility to culture the abalone confined to cages in the sea. Introduction of this species into the natural environment may pose risks to local flora and fauna, particularly the establishment of populations arising from escaped specimens or larval settlement. Laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate interactions between this abalone and local species in order to determine rates of consumption of local algae by these molluscs, competition with other organisms occupying the same feeding niche, and predation on the abalone by some local carnivores. The experiments demonstrated consumption of all offered algae by the abalone, particularly Rhodymenia howeana at rates of 1.3% to 5% of their body weight per day. In competition with other species of herbivores it was observed that with some there was a decline in consumption rate both by the abalone and the competitors when they were together, suggesting occurrence of competitive interference. The abalone readily attracted and were consumed by a variety of predators, particularly Meyenaster gelatinosus and Cancer setosus. It was concluded that if H. discus hannai escapes from the cages or produces larvae which settle on rocky reefs, this species might become established as an additional component of the natural communities. However, due to competitive interactions, predation pressure, and an opportunistic fishery, the development of substantial populations, let alone population explosions, with serious negative environmental impacts is improbable..
机译:日本鲍鱼Haliotis discus hannai(伊诺,1953年)产自智利海岸的陆上养殖。这种养殖系统涉及的高成本引起了人们的兴趣,以评估养殖局限于海洋网箱的鲍鱼的可能性。将该物种引入自然环境可能会对当地动植物构成风险,尤其是逃生标本或幼虫定居引起的种群数量增加。进行了实验室实验以评估这种鲍鱼与当地物种之间的相互作用,从而确定这些软体动物对当地藻类的消费速度,与占据相同觅食位的其他生物的竞争以及某些当地食肉动物对鲍鱼的捕食。实验表明,鲍鱼消耗的所有藻类,特别是大花红球藻,每天消耗其体重的1.3%至5%。与其他草食动物竞争时,观察到鲍鱼和竞争者在一起食用时,它们的消费率都有所下降,这表明竞争干扰的发生。鲍鱼很容易被各种食肉动物吸引,并被它们所消耗,特别是Meyenaster明胶和巨蟹座。结论是,如果H. discus hannai从网箱中逃脱或在岩礁上生出幼虫,则该物种可能被确立为自然群落的附加组成部分。然而,由于竞争的相互作用,捕食压力和机会主义渔业,不可能发展大量的人口,更不用说人口爆炸了,严重的负面环境影响。



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