首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Growth performance and sexual maturation in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater tanks exposed to continuous light or simulated natural photoperiod

Growth performance and sexual maturation in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater tanks exposed to continuous light or simulated natural photoperiod

机译:二倍体和三倍体大西洋鲑(Salmo salar L.)在暴露于连续光或模拟自然光周期的海水缸中的生长性能和性成熟

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Triploid Atlantic salmon are considered to be functionally sterile and the use of these in intensive fish farming would potentially reduce interactions between escapees and wild stocks. However, variable performance under commercial production conditions in seawater has been reported. The experiment described here is part of a larger comprehensive study on triploid Atlantic salmon, and investigates seasonal growth performance in diploid and triploid salmon under simulated natural light, and an accelerated production regime using continuous light during winter and spring. Four full-sib families of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon postsmolts were held in six 20-m(3) circular indoor tanks in the January-October period after their transfer to seawater in July. Two tanks were given continuous light (LL) from January to June and subsequently put on simulated natural photoperiod (SNP), while four tanks were kept on SNP throughout. Variation in feed intake was monitored by waste feed collection, and fish were sampled monthly for weight and length. A depression in feed consumption was noted in the LL groups during the first 6-8 weeks after onset of light. As expected, the LL groups outperformed their SNP counterparts, but displayed an unexpected equal incidence of sexual maturation. Triploids displayed distinctly enhanced feed intake during their second sea autumn, which resulted in their being heavier and significantly longer than diploid fish in October. This increased feed intake in triploids was advanced in the LL treated fish. Only males showed signs of becoming 'sexually mature' (increased GSI) as grilse (after 1.5 years in seawater), and equal proportions of the diploid and triploid fish were characterised as sexually mature. Thus, lack of 'sexual maturation' could not explain the improved triploid growth. There were no distinct differences in mortality or occurrence of deformities between ploidy types. Both triploids and diploids responded to the accelerated light regime with an advanced seasonal development of growth and condition factor, long-term enhanced growth and an indicated improved feed conversion. In general, all sibling groups responded to the ploidy and light treatments. Growth differences between sibling groups within treatments were mainly ascribed to different proportions of sexual maturation. This study indicated that triploid Atlantic salmon performed equally, or better, compared to diploid conspecifics reared in indoor seawater tanks.
机译:三倍体大西洋鲑被认为在功能上是不育的,在集约化鱼类养殖中使用它们可能会减少逃逸者与野生种群之间的相互作用。然而,已经报道了在商业生产条件下海水中的可变性能。此处描述的实验是对三倍体大西洋鲑鱼的一项大型综合研究的一部分,研究了在模拟自然光和冬季和春季使用连续光加速生产的条件下,二倍体和三倍体鲑鱼的季节性生长性能。在二月和三倍体大西洋鲑后蜕皮的四个同胞家庭中,他们于7月转移到海水中之后,于1月至10月期间被安置在六个20-m(3)圆形室内水箱中。从1月到6月,对两个储罐进行连续光照(LL),然后进行模拟自然光周期(SNP),而四个储罐始终保持在SNP上。通过收集废饲料来监测饲料摄入量的变化,并每月对鱼进行体重和长度取样。光照开始后的头6-8周,LL组的饲料消耗下降。正如预期的那样,LL组的性能优于SNP组,但表现出出乎意料的均等的性成熟率。三倍体在第二个海秋时显示出明显增加的采食量,这导致它们比十月的二倍体鱼重,并且长得多。 LL处理鱼的三倍体饲料摄入增加。只有雄性显示出“性成熟”(GSI增加)的迹象(在海水中浸泡1.5年后),并且等比例的二倍体和三倍体鱼被定性为成熟。因此,缺乏“性成熟”不能解释三倍体生长的改善。倍性类型的死亡率或畸形发生率没有明显差异。三倍体和二倍体都对加速的光照机制作出了响应,具有生长和条件因子的季节性提前发展,长期生长增强和饲料转化率提高的趋势。一般而言,所有兄弟姐妹群体对倍性和光照处理均反应良好。治疗期间同胞组之间的生长差异主要归因于性成熟的不同比例。这项研究表明,与在室内海水缸中饲养的二倍体同种异体相比,三倍体大西洋鲑的表现相同或更好。



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