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Homologous Co3O4 CoP nanowires grown on carbon cloth as a high-performance electrode pair for triclosan degradation and hydrogen evolution


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As a widely used antimicrobial agent in toothpastes and body washes for decades, triclosan (TCS) is causing great harm to the environment through wastewater. Herein, we used a two-electrode system to remove TCS comprising Co3O4 nanowires/carbon cloth (Co3O4 NWs/CC) as anode and CoP nanowires/ carbon cloth (CoP NWs/CC) as cathode. At a constant current density of 10 mA cm~(-2) , the degradation efficiency for TCS is 95% in 60 min and it is transformed into important chemical raw materials, including phenol, 1,2-dihydroxybenzene, and 2-phenoxyphenol. Subsequently, hydrogen is generated on the CoP NWs/CC cathode with Faradaic efficiency of nearly 100%. The synergetic effect of the superhydrophilic surfaces of the Co3O4 NWs/CC anode and the CoP NWs/CC cathode as well as the superaerophobicity of the cathode assures full contact of the electrolyte solution and the active materials and high-efficiency generation of H2 bubbles.
机译:作为一种广泛使用的抗菌剂牙膏和身体洗了几十年,三氯生(TCS)是造成重大伤害通过废水环境。二电极系统去除TCS组成Co3O4纳米线/碳布(Co3O4 NWs / CC)阳极和警察纳米线/碳布(警察NWs / CC)作为阴极。马10厘米~(2),降解效率TCS是95%在60分钟变成了重要的化工原料,包括苯酚,1、2-dihydroxybenzene和2-phenoxyphenol。生成与感应电流的警察NWs / CC阴极近100%的效率。的superhydrophilic Co3O4的表面NWs / CC阳极和阴极警察NWs / CC的superaerophobicity阴极保证电解质溶液和充分接触活跃材料和高效的一代H2的泡沫。




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