首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems >What role should ecology play in the management and conservation of inland water resources?

What role should ecology play in the management and conservation of inland water resources?


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It is natural for each of us to perceive problems from the point of view of our own disciplines and specialities, and we usually reckon that there is not enough attention being paid to our area. Yet it is salutary to detach ourselves and see the problem from an overall perspective. I am, or at least have been for the last 15 years of my professional life, a benthic ecologist. I am primarily an ecologist, and because I work in streams and rivers where the organisms tend to be attached or on the bottom, I am an ecologist of the benthos. However, I incorporate other aspects of stream ecosystem functioning into my studies as the need arises, and I try to project the results of my work into questions of management and conservation of fluvial systems, i think benthic ecology has many important things to say about river conservation and management, but I need to temper my chauvinism to view the question objectively. In this editorial, i will use as an example the newly formed Brazilian 'Agencia Nacional das Aguas' (National Water Agency, ANA). 1 do not have the space or the expertise to analyse ANA comprehensively here, but I will use the example to provoke the question of my title and to reflect how benthology and ecology in general interact with larger-scale water management. As we will see, the question of 'conservation', with a big or little 'c', inevitably confronts us.
机译:从我们自己的学科和专业的角度来看,我们每个人都很自然地意识到问题,而且我们通常认为对我们的领域没有给予足够的重视。然而,脱颖而出并从整体角度看问题是有益的。我是,或者至少在我职业生涯的最后15年中,一直是底栖生态学家。我主要是生态学家,并且由于我在倾向于附着生物或在其底部的河流和河流中工作,因此我是底栖动物的生态学家。但是,在需要时,我将河流生态系统功能的其他方面纳入我的研究,并且我尝试将我的工作成果投射到河流系统的管理和保护问题上,我认为底栖生态学对河流有很多重要的要说的东西。保护和管理,但我需要大刀阔斧地客观地看待这个问题。在这篇社论中,我将以新成立的巴西国家水务局(ANA)的巴西“ Agencia Nacional das Aguas”为例。 1这里没有足够的空间或专业知识来全面分析ANA,但是我将使用该示例来激发我的头衔问题,并反映底栖动物学和生态学通常与大规模水管理之间的相互作用。正如我们将看到的,带有或大或小的“ c”的“保护”问题不可避免地摆在我们面前。



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