首页> 外文期刊>Arabian journal of geosciences >Discussion and comments on 'Filtering of the gravimetric anomalies to the study of the geological structures of Oued Zarga (Septentrional Tunisia): Structural implications', Arab J Geosci (2012) 5:169-180 by A. Ayed, M. Ghanmi and F. Zargouni

Discussion and comments on 'Filtering of the gravimetric anomalies to the study of the geological structures of Oued Zarga (Septentrional Tunisia): Structural implications', Arab J Geosci (2012) 5:169-180 by A. Ayed, M. Ghanmi and F. Zargouni

机译:A. Ayed,M。Ghanmi和F撰写的“对重力异常进行过滤以研究Oued Zarga(突尼斯南部)的地质结构:结构意义”的讨论和评论,Arab J Geosci(2012)5:169-180扎古尼

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We read with great interest the paper of Ayed, Ghanmi and Zargouni (2012; hereafter referred to as AGZ), because of the vicinity of their study area to northeastern Algeria. AGZ did good work in their case study; however, we have some comments regarding some points stated in their paper.
机译:我们非常感兴趣地阅读了Ayed,Ghanmi和Zargouni(2012;以下简称AGZ)的论文,因为他们的研究区域位于阿尔及利亚东北部。 AGZ在案例研究中做得很好。但是,我们对他们的论文中的某些观点有一些评论。



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