首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Size specific emission in peptide capped gold quantum clusters with tunable photoswitching behavior

Size specific emission in peptide capped gold quantum clusters with tunable photoswitching behavior


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Three different types of fluorescent gold clusters (namely blue, green and red emitting) have been prepared from a gold precursor (chloroauric acid) under moderate conditions in aqueous medium. A cysteine containing dipeptide has been used for the formation of these quantum clusters as this peptide molecule contains a thiol group in the side chain to cap these nascently formed clusters and the free amino and carboxylic moieties assist in water solubility. Thus, the clusters are also environmentally friendly as the capped peptide is made up of only naturally occurring protein amino acids. These clusters have been well characterized by using UV-visible, fluorescence, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectroscopy, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and ultra-high resolution field emission gun-transmission electron microscopy (UHR-FEG-TEM). Arrangements of gold atoms and their interaction with the corresponding ligands in three different fluorescent clusters have been predicted computationally. The excited state behavior of three different clusters has also been studied using time dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT). Time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and computational studies suggest intersystem crossing (S1 -> T1) in the case of red-emitting Au-23 clusters. Interestingly, these gold clusters exhibit semiconducting and photoswitching properties (I-on//I-off), which are shown to be controlled by varying the size of these clusters. This holds future promise of using these gold cluster based nanomaterials for optoelectronic applications.
机译:三种不同类型的荧光金集群(即蓝色、绿色和红色发光)准备从黄金前体(氯金酸)在温和的条件下在水介质。含半胱氨酸二肽已被用于这些量子群的形成肽分子包含一个硫醇基的侧链限制这些新兴集群形成的和自由氨基和羧基半个协助在水中的溶解度。环保限制肽只有天然蛋白质氨基酸组成酸。特点是使用紫外可见、荧光x射线光电子能谱(XPS)光谱学,matrix-assisted激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)和超高分辨率的领域发射gun-transmission电子显微镜(UHR-FEG-TEM)。与相应的配体的相互作用在三个不同的荧光集群预测计算。行为的三种不同的集群也研究使用密度与时间有关功能理论(TD-DFT)。单光子计数(TCSPC)和计算研究表明系统交叉(S1 - > T1)对于red-emitting Au-23集群。有趣的是,这些黄金集群展览半导体和光电开关特性(我在/ /时候取消),显示控制通过改变这些集群的大小。使用这些基于黄金集群未来的承诺纳米材料的光电应用程序。




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