首页> 外文期刊>Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences >A spotted hyaena den in the Middle Palaeolithic of Grotta Paglicci (Gargano promontory, Apulia, Southern Italy)

A spotted hyaena den in the Middle Palaeolithic of Grotta Paglicci (Gargano promontory, Apulia, Southern Italy)

机译:Grotta Paglicci(Gargano海角,普利亚,意大利南部)中古石器时代的斑鬣狗穴

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The Palaeolithic sequence of Grotta Paglicci (Gargano promontory, Apulia, Southern Italy) is one of the most important in the Mediterranean area: It comprises the whole Upper Palaeolithic cultural sequence known for the region, as well as Early Middle Palaeolithic and Lower Palaeolithic levels. These earlier phases are best represented in a collapsed room located outside the present-day cave (the so called "external rock shelter"). In this area, a new excavation, started in 2004, brought to light Middle Palaeolithic animal remains associated with evidence of spotted hyaena (SU 64 and 53). The spatial distribution analysis of remains from SU 53 revealed the presence of a bone accumulation area and a wider dispersal of hyaena coprolites. Three main ungulate species (aurochs, fallow deer and red deer) as well as carnivores (spotted hyaena, wolf, fox, wild cat and lynx) and lagomorphs have been identified. The majority of aurochs remains are located in the main accumulation; among these specimens, a complete metatarsal connected with three tarsal bones has been found; a talus and a complete tibia, probably belonging to the same limb, have also been identified. The multidisciplinary study carried out in this paper highlights a specific bone accumulation and scattering pattern in a spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) den. In addition, taphonomy of lagomorph remains indicates the presence of other depositional agents.
机译:Grotta Paglicci(意大利南部阿普利亚加尔加诺海角)的旧石器时代序列是地中海地区最重要的序列之一:它包括该地区已知的整个上旧石器时代文化序列,以及中古旧石器时代和下旧石器时代。这些早期阶段最好表现在位于当今洞穴外面的一间倒塌的房间(所谓的“外部岩石掩体”)中。在该地区,2004年开始了新的发掘工作,发现了旧石器时代中期的动物遗骸,并伴有斑点鬣狗的迹象(SU 64和53)。 SU 53遗骸的空间分布分析表明存在骨堆积区域,并且鬣狗proprolites的散布范围更大。现已鉴定出三种主要有蹄类动物(食肉动物,小鹿和马鹿)以及食肉动物(斑鬣狗,狼,狐狸,野猫和山猫)和兔形目动物。大部分的赤潮都位于主要堆积物中。在这些标本中,已发现一个完整的meta骨与三个骨相连。还确定了距骨和完整的胫骨(可能属于同一肢体)。本文进行的多学科研究突出了斑鬣狗穴(Crocuta crocuta)巢穴中的特定骨积累和散射模式。另外,lagomorph残留的拓朴性表明存在其他沉积剂。



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