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Interplay of weather variables in triggering the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Asia


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Abstract Weather variables are one of the crucial factors affecting respiratory infectious diseases; however, the effect of weather variables on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still inconclusive and varies in different regions. The present study investigated the effects of weather variables (maximum temperature, MT; relative humidity, RH; wind speed, WS; precipitation, PR; and dew point, DP) on daily infection and death cases in three lockdown phases in Asia as of November 1, 2020. Generalized additive lag model was used to analyze the risk associated with weather variables, with confounders like median age of the national population, population density, country and lockdown phases. Our findings revealed that during lockdown phases all five weather variables show association with daily confirmed,?and death cases. On the other hand, PR (pre-lockdown phase) and DP (lockdown phase) showed positive association with both daily?confirmed? and death cases. Throughout the three lockdown phases MT, RH and PR showed strong positive associations with daily confimed/death cases.?A lag period of 0–4-days possess higher risk of infection and death due to the varied ratios of different weather variables. The?relative risk indicated that the infection and mortality risk was higher in?India as compared to the rest of the countries. Here, unique combination of weather variables together with higher population density makes this region as one of the hotspots for COVID-19. This shows that the COVID-19 pandemic may be suppressed or enhanced with combination of different weather conditions together with factors like population density and median age of the country, which shall be useful for better implementation of health policies and further preparedness in Asia.
机译:文摘天气变量是关键之一呼吸道感染影响因素疾病;2019年冠状病毒病的变量(COVID-19)仍然是不确定的,各不相同不同的地区。天气变量(最大的影响温度,太;速度、WS;在三个每天感染和死亡病例封锁阶段在亚洲11月1日,2020年。滞后广义加性模型分析与气候相关的风险变量,的年龄中位数等混杂因素国家人口,人口密度,国家和锁定阶段。显示在锁定所有五个阶段每天天气变量显示协会证实,?(pre-lockdown阶段)和DP(锁定阶段)显示积极的联系每日确认?三个锁定阶段太,RH和公关显示强劲积极联系日常confimed /死亡情况下。由于不同的感染和死亡的风险不同天气变量的比率。的吗?和死亡率高吗?与其他国家相比。独特的气候变量的组合在一起高人口密度使这个地区作为COVID-19的热点之一。COVID-19大流行可能抑制或增强结合不同的天气条件和人口等因素密度和平均年龄的有助于更好的实现在亚洲卫生政策和进一步的准备。




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