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New Developments in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis: Growth and High-Impact Research for Green Organic Synthesis


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Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis has continued on the upward curve in 2011 and passed several milestones along the way. The submissions exceeded 1000, the number of printed pages reached 3500, and the number of published articles passed the 400 mark. With 2010 impact factors of 5.25 (2-year IF) and 5.36 (5-year IF) ASC continued to be at the top for green synthesis. Submissions and published papers from Europe and from Asia continue to dominate. Over one quarter of the published papers now come from China and Hong Kong. The percentage of communications continued to grow and is now 54% of the published articles. The new Editorial andAdvisory Boards have settled in and with them Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis will further change and develop over the next years. The goal of Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis continues to be to publish seminal research as chemists move toward greener synthesis: "new catalytic systems effecting perfect chemical reactions that give only the desired products, with 100% selectivity and 100% yield without unwanted wastes."
机译:高级合成和催化技术在2011年继续保持上升趋势,并在此过程中突破了几个里程碑。投稿数超过1000,印刷页数达到3500,已发表文章数超过400。 2010年,ASC的影响因子分别为5.25(2年期IF)和5.36(5年期IF),在绿色合成方面一直位居榜首。来自欧洲和亚洲的论文和发表的论文继续占主导地位。现在,超过四分之一的已发表论文来自中国和香港。交流的百分比持续增长,现在占已发表文章的54%。新的编辑委员会和咨询委员会已经成立,高级合成与催化将在未来几年内进一步改变和发展。随着化学家向更绿色的合成迈进,高级合成与催化的目标仍然是发表具有开创性的研究成果:“新的催化系统能够实现完美的化学反应,仅产生所需的产物,具有100%的选择性和100%的收率,而不会产生多余的废物。”



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