首页> 外文期刊>Nature Metabolism >Profound and redundant functions of arcuate neurons in obesity development

Profound and redundant functions of arcuate neurons in obesity development


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The current obesity epidemic faces a lack of mechanistic insights. It is known that the acute activity changes of a growing number of brain neurons rapidly alter feeding behaviour; however, how these changes translate to obesity development and the fundamental mechanism underlying brain neurons in controlling body weight remain elusive. Here, we show that chronic activation of hypothalamic arcuate GABAergic (GABA(+)), agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons or arcuate non-AgRP GABA(+) neurons leads to obesity, which is similar to the obese phenotype observed in ob/ob mice. Conversely, chronic inhibition of arcuate GABA(+), but not AgRP, neurons reduces ageing-related weight gain and corrects ob/ob obesity. These results demonstrate that the modulation of Arc GABA(+) neuron activity is a fundamental mechanism of body-weight regulation, and that arcuate GABA(+) neurons are the major mediator of leptin action, with a profound and redundant role in obesity development.
机译:当前肥胖流行病面临缺乏机械的见解。越来越多的大脑活动的变化神经元迅速改变喂养行为;这些变化如何转化为肥胖发展和基本机制潜在的大脑神经元控制身体体重仍然是难以捉摸的。激活下丘脑弓状gaba ergic(GABA (+)), agouti-related蛋白质(AgRP)神经元或弧形non-AgRP GABA神经元(+)导致肥胖,这是与肥胖表型相似观察到在ob / ob老鼠。弧形的抑制GABA(+),但不是AgRP,神经元减少摩根大通体重增加和纠正ob / ob肥胖。的调制电弧GABA神经元(+)活动的基本机制体重调节,弧形GABA (+)神经元是瘦素的主要中介作用,在肥胖深远的和冗余的作用发展。



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