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Researchers seek solutions to Saprolegnia killer


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Despite treatments, Saprolegnia continues to cause losses in hatcheries around the world. Norwegian researchers are searching for solutions.InternationaUy, the aquaculture industry experiences an estimated 10% loss of fish eggs and larvae to the freshwater fungus Saprolegnia, sometimes called cotton mould. Previously, malachite green was used to combat Saprolegnia. This chemical was effective, but was banned after it proved to be carcinogenic. New chemicals have been introduced, but for the most part these have not been nearly as effective. In the search for better treatments in the fight agains Saprolegnia researchers at Norway's NationalVeterinary Institute are looking more closely at the root causes. "We suspect that repeated infections in hatcheries are due to a reservoir of Saprolegnia that the current treatments are not efficient against," says Ali Shimaa, research fellow at the National Veterinary Institute. "Biofilm can be such a reservoir, but we didn't know to what extent Saprolegnia was able to form biofilms. Therefore, we wanted to investigate further."



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