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Research project to benefit marine hatcheries


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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded scientists at Oregon State University two aquaculture grants, one that will help hatcheries feed certain marine fish more efficiently and the other intended to make oysters safer to eat.The first, worth $629,000, aims to improve the nutritional value of live prey such as rotifers and brine shrimp fed to California halibut {Paralichthys californicus), California yellowtail (Seriola lalandi dorsalis) and southern flounder {Paralichthys lethostigma) when they're in their larval stage. Owing to the fact that these organisms are less nutritious than copepods, the natural prey of many marine fish in the wild, the researchers plan to feed rotifers and brine shrimp vitamin C and taurine, an amino acid. To make sure these nutrients don't dissolve in the seawater, the researchers will encapsulate them in bubble-like liposomes, which can have impermeable membranes.
机译:美国国家海洋和大气管理局授予的科学家俄勒冈州立大学的两个水产养殖补助,一个将帮助孵化场饲料一定的海洋鱼更有效地和其他打算让吃牡蛎更安全。629000美元,旨在提高营养价值活的猎物如轮虫和盐水虾美联储加州大比目鱼{Paralichthyslalandi背的)和南部的比目鱼{Paralichthys lethostigma)当他们在他们的幼虫阶段。生物的营养不如桡足类,许多海洋鱼类在野外的自然猎物,研究人员计划提要轮虫和盐水虾维生素C和牛磺酸,一种氨基酸。确保这些营养物质不溶于海水,研究人员会将它们封装在体的脂质体不透水膜。



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