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Climate-water quality relationships in Texas reservoirs


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Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of salts in surface water bodies can be affected by the natural environment and local human activities such as surface and ground water withdrawals, land use and energy extraction, and variability and long-term trends in atmospheric conditions including temperature and precipitation. Here, we quantify the relationship between 121 indicators of mean and extreme temperature and precipitation and 24 water quality parameters in 57 Texas reservoirs using observational data records covering the period 1960 to 2010. Over time scales ranging from 1week to 2years, we find that water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, chloride, sulfate, and phosphorus all show consistent correlations with atmospheric predictors, including high and low temperature extremes, dry days, heavy precipitation events, and mean temperature and precipitation. Based on these relationships combined with regional climate projections, we expect climate change to increase water temperatures, decrease dissolved oxygen levels, decrease pH, increase specific conductance, and increase levels of sulfate and chloride in Texas reservoirs. Over decadal time scales, this may affect aquatic ecosystems in the reservoirs, including altering the risk of conditions conducive to algae occurrence, as well as affecting the quality of water available for human consumption and recreation. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:水温、溶解氧和盐的浓度在地表水体会受到自然环境的影响和当地地表水和地下水等人类活动水位下降、土地利用和能源提取和可变性和长期趋势在大气条件包括温度和降水。121年的均值和指标之间的关系极端气温和降水量和24在德州57水库水质参数使用观测数据记录覆盖1960年到2010年时期。从1星期2年,我们发现水温度、溶解氧、pH值、具体电导、氯、硫酸和磷所有显示一致的相关性与大气预测,包括高温和低温极端降水事件极端干燥的天,,平均气温和降水。这些关系结合区域气候预测,我们预计气候变化增加水的温度,减少溶解氧含量,降低pH值,增加具体硫酸和电导,提高水平氯在德克萨斯州水库。尺度,这可能影响水生生态系统水库,包括改变的风险条件有利于藻类发生影响水的质量可供人类消费和娱乐。2015年约翰·威利& Sons有限公司



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