首页> 外文期刊>Antioxidants and redox signalling >Oxidant and redox signaling in vascular oxygen sensing: implications for systemic and pulmonary hypertension.

Oxidant and redox signaling in vascular oxygen sensing: implications for systemic and pulmonary hypertension.


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It has been well known for >100 years that systemic blood vessels dilate in response to decreases in oxygen tension (hypoxia; low PO2), and this response appears to be critical to supply blood to the stressed organ. Conversely, pulmonary vessels constrict to a decrease in alveolar PO2 to maintain a balance in the ventilation-to-perfusion ratio. Currently, although little question exists that the PO2 affects vascular reactivity and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) act as oxygen sensors, the molecular mechanisms involved in modulating the vascular reactivity are still not clearly understood. Many laboratories, including ours, have suggested that the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), which regulates vasomotor function, is controlled by free radicals and redox signaling, including NAD(P)H and glutathione (GSH) redox. In this review article, therefore, we discuss the implications of redox and oxidant alterations seen in pulmonary and systemic hypertension, and how key targets that control [Ca2+]i, such as ion channels, Ca2+ release from internal stores and uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and the Ca2+ sensitivity to the myofilaments, are regulated by changes in intracellular redox and oxidants associated with vascular PO2sensing in physiologic or pathophysiologic conditions.
机译:众所周知,> 100年以来,全身血管随着氧气张力的降低而扩张(缺氧;低PO2),这种反应对于向受压器官供应血液至关重要。相反,肺血管收缩使肺泡PO2降低,以维持通气/灌注比的平衡。目前,尽管几乎没有疑问,PO2影响血管反应性,并且血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)充当氧气传感器,但仍不清楚如何调节血管反应性的分子机制。包括我们在内的许多实验室都建议,调节血管舒缩功能的细胞内钙浓度([Ca2 +] i)受自由基和氧化还原信号的控制,包括NAD(P)H和谷胱甘肽(GSH)氧化还原。因此,在这篇综述文章中,我们讨论了在肺动脉高压和全身性高血压中发现的氧化还原和氧化剂改变的含义,以及控制[Ca2 +] i的关键目标(例如离子通道,内部存储中Ca2 +的释放以及肌浆网的摄取)在生理或病理生理条件下,Ca2 +对肌丝的敏感性受细胞内氧化还原和与血管PO2感测相关的氧化剂变化的调节。



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