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The German Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer has made a bold announcement: “Germany will be the international number 1 in autonomous driving. We will be the first country in the world to bring autonomous vehicles from research laboratories onto roads: and used in daily operation. (…).” The next step has now been taken with the autonomous driving law that creates a legal framework to enable autonomous vehicles (level 4) [editor’s note: probably referring to automated vehicles] to operate regularly in defined operating areas on public roads. This regular operation could therefore start in 2022. The automotive industry will ensure the implementation and they will need to intensify their (already considerable) efforts in the domain of automated driving. Two competing approaches can be currently observed: a more evolutionary ?path via the continuous extension of available assistance systems, and a more revolutionary path via robotic vehicle fleets with safety drivers, in order to completely leapfrog the inter mediate levels SAE 2+ to 4 as fast as possible. The latter makes sense, since then there are no legacy issues; however, it is a huge leap. There is also an associated risk as surveys show that at the moment, a high percentage of people say they would not trust an autonomously driving vehicle.
机译:德国联邦交通部长安德烈亚斯朔伊尔做出了一个大胆的声明:“德国将在自主国际1号吗开车。世界将自主车辆的研究实验室在道路:在日常使用操作。创建一个自动驾驶的法律法律框架,使自主车辆(4级)[编者注:可能指自动车辆)经常在运作在公共道路上定义的操作区域。常规操作可能因此开始于2022年。汽车工业将确保实现和他们需要加强他们已经相当大的努力域的自动驾驶。目前方法可以观察到:更多进化?路径通过不断扩展可用的辅助系统,和更多通过水下机器人舰队革命道路完全安全的司机,为了超越国际调解水平SAE 2 + 4尽可能的快。还有没有遗留问题;巨大的飞跃。调查显示,目前,高一部分人表示他们不会信任自动驾驶汽车。



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