首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Record Case Reports >Arthritis, panuveitis and hyperaesthesia associatedwith Borrelia afzelii infection in a warmblood gelding

Arthritis, panuveitis and hyperaesthesia associatedwith Borrelia afzelii infection in a warmblood gelding


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A 13-year-old warmblood gelding presented witha history of lameness, muscle atrophy and weightloss of 3months. The horse demonstrated extensivehyperaesthesia over the left dorsal trunk, marked effusionof several joints, laryngitis and a dampened mentalattitude. Synovial fluid analysis revealed arthritis of theleft tarsocrural joint, being PCR-positive for Borreliaafzelii DNA. Subsequently, mild anterior uveitis of theright and severe panuveitis of the left eye with B. afzeliiPCR-positive aqueous and vitreous humour, respectively,were diagnosed. Treatment included arthroscopy of theleft tarsocrural joint, oral doxycycline administration for6weeks, ophthalmic and systemic anti-inflammatorytherapy and left intravitreal preservative-free gentamicin(4mg) injection. After initial improvement, the gelding’sclinical signs deteriorated resulting in peracuterecumbency and sudden death 12 months later. Lymeborreliosis should be considered as differential diagnosisin complex cases of equine lameness, particularly whenaccompanied by hyperaesthesia and bilateral uveitis.
机译:一个13岁的温血马去势买下残废的历史,肌肉萎缩3个月的减肥法。extensivehyperaesthesia左背侧树干,标志着effusionof几个关节,喉炎和抑制mentalattitude。滑液分析揭示了关节炎左边的tarsocrural联合,pcr阳性Borreliaafzelii DNA。正确的和严重的panuveitis的葡萄膜炎左眼和b . afzeliiPCR-positive水玻璃幽默,分别被诊断。治疗包括关节镜的左边tarsocrural关节,口服强力霉素管理for6weeks、眼科和系统性anti-inflammatorytherapy和左intravitreal不含防腐剂庆大霉素(4毫克)注入。最初的改进后,太监'sclinical导致恶化迹象peracuterecumbency和猝死12个月以后。微分diagnosisin复杂情况下的马残废,尤其是whenaccompanied感觉过敏,两国葡萄膜炎。



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